Different Types of Tanzanite Gemstones

Different Types of Tanzanite - All Kinds of Varieties That Exist

You’d want to own a blue gemstone, but a blue sapphire or blue diamond is out of your price range. Hey!! Consider tanzanite. This stunning gemstone, which comes in various colors, from sparkling purples and violets to deep blues, is the ideal replacement. We suggest you take an in-depth look at all the different types of tanzanites, so you know exactly which ones are right for your needs.

Many of you must be thinking- how can tanzanite match the brilliance of any other gemstone, like a sapphire in the purple gemstone list? Well, this blog is for you.

To make you interested, let us share something with you.

Tanzanite’s discovery is relatively nascent and is only found in one area on Earth, making it 1000 times rarer than the diamond. This blue-violet form of zoisite was given that name by Tiffany & Co. in honor of Tanzania, where it was initially discovered in 1967. Wasn’t it fascinating?

As you progress in reading, you will learn a great deal about this gemstone, including what kind of tanzanite is ruling the market and what quality factors you need to understand before closing the purchase.

So let’s get started without further ado.

Types of Tanzanite: What you Need to Know

When it comes to tanzanite gemstones, the market has all kinds of varieties to choose from—finding a natural, qualitative piece for your statement jewelry needs through research and a basic understanding of numerous quality parameters, including 4Cs. Know them one at a time.

So, Start with the First Firsts.

Types of Tanzanite: A Consumer’s Guide

Tanzanite is a popular gemstone in December among fans of distinctive jewelry because of its many benefits. Its unorthodox appearance exudes luxury and defines unconventional in its own right. But, besides all that, you need to confirm whether the stone you are eyeing for your tanzanite ring is natural, lab-grown, or an imitation.

Natural Tanzanite

As the name implies, natural tanzanite is an exceptional gift from Tanzanian mines with a captivating blend of blue and violet tones.

Why exclusivity? Since it is unlikely that the stone will be found anywhere other than Tanzania. When they enter the market, these stones have not had any alterations made to their structural makeup by humans. 

Lab-Grown Tanzanite

Finding a natural, untreated Tanzanite can be expensive as it is a rare gem due to its limited production restricted to only Tanzania. To meet the demand, a lab-grown tanzanite gem is produced using cutting-edge technology.

However, it shares nearly all of its natural mineral counterpart’s chemical, aesthetic, and physical characteristics. Lab-grown tanzanite is readily available on the market and costs less than the original because it is produced in sufficient quantities.

Treated Tanzanite

Undergoing various treatments to enhance the appearance is a routine in the gemstone industry. However, the consumer should be informed of the treatment the stone has been subjected to. In the case of tanzanite, the most common treatment is heat treatment. 

It is believed that tanzanite is heated throughout. This gemstone is heated to remove any lingering brown that has been there in its original state. The procedure applies to all gemstones and has no bearing on the stone’s worth.


There are many existing imitations of tanzanite in the market. The most popular materials are colored glass, synthetic spinel, YAG (yttrium aluminum garnet), cubic zirconia (CZ), and synthetic spinel. Since they are all single reflective, whereas Tanzanite gemstone is doubly reflective, these are actually extremely simple to identify. So, relax!

You must purchase your tanzanite from a reputable dealer to be certain of the specimen you invest your hard-earned money in. A good dealer will also explain the characteristics of your stone and give you the originality certification and, in the case of lab-grown stones, the lab and quality certification. Now that is what we mean by rational shopping.

Also See: The Most Beautiful Gemstones – Prettiest Gemstones

Types of Tanzanite: The Role of Color, Clarity, Cut, and Carat (Quality Parameters)

When it comes to choosing gemstones, the best way to seek the best option is to judge it based on 4Cs, i.e., cut, color, carat, and clarity as it will allow you to make a correct decision. So, what are they in the case of tanzanite?

Varieties of Tanzanite and the Impact of Color

Many trade experts believe tanzanite exhibits an exceptional blue color that can make other gemstones hold a light to it. Because of this, tanzanite jewelry has dramatically increased in popularity, making it one of the most sought-after gemstones in the world.

Tanzanite of superior quality comes in various hues, from deep royal blue to violet. The dominant hue of a gem depends on whether it is cut and polished along the long or short axis of a raw tanzanite crystal. The color intensity increases with quality. Some consumers occasionally favor tanzanite with moderate to light colors. However, the deeper colors have better worth. 

Tanzanite is the only trichroic gemstone known to humankind. For the unversed, it can exhibit three colors simultaneously. Depending on which angle you are viewing the stone from, the gem will appear to be a different color due to how light vibrates as it travels through it. How amazing is that?

How Does Clarity Impact Tanzanite?

The tanzanite in the market you see today is eye-clear, and any inclusions can only be seen under a microscope. So, if you spot any tanzanite with inclusion, it means it is sub-standard or fake.

Additionally, any inclusions that could lead to durability issues, including fractures, significantly reduce tanzanite value.

Different Types of Tanzanite as Per Cut

Have you ever noticed a lovely shimmer as you view your tanzanite jewelry from various angles?

The way the stone was cut is what caused this glitter to occur. The craft of cutters is under a real test for a stone like a tanzanite, and the reason is its pleochroism. Here, cutting plays a vital role in deciding the overall appearance of the stone in terms of color and weight.

Do you know?

When choosing how to cut tanzanite, cutters take economic bend into account. Tanzanite is typically less wasteful to cut to accentuate the violet-to-purple color than to obtain a violetish blue color. Face-up tanzanites with violet-purple are more common than a more vigorous blue color specimen.

Tanzanite Based on Carat Weight

Tanzanite never disappoints in terms of variety in shape, sizes, and faceting patterns. Usually, sizes over 5 carats exhibit the finest and darkest hues, and the color intensity of smaller stones is frequently lower. 

Although carat weight is a significant pricing determinant, there are others. If the color, clarity, and cut of two tanzanite gemstones with the same carat weight are graded differently, their prices may change dramatically.

Also See: The List of Gemstones By Color

Final Thoughts on Various Types of Tanzanite

Tanzanite might be new to the world, but it has created a lasting impression in the heart of the gemstone industry. Its rarity and various astrological benefits have made it one of the most sought-after options for many exclusivity seekers. Knowing various types of tanzanite gemstones and numerous quality parameters will showcase the different sides of this blue marvel.

Now you know the inside scoop, get ready to have one. Your cart is waiting for you!!

You may also read how to take care of tanzanite bracelets and how to clean tanzanite bracelets.


Is all tanzanite gemstone in the market heat treated?

All the gemstone industry experts have commonly accepted that all tanzanites will have undergone heat treatment to change their color from the dull, greyish brown of the rough to the vibrant, brilliant blue and violet colors that the consumers so desire. But that doesn’t lower the worth of this blue beauty.

How to tell if tanzanite is real or fake?

Tanzanites, as was previously mentioned, are pleochroic. Given this, looking at the stone from various angles is a fantastic approach to checking its veracity. Your jewel is undoubtedly real if you observe tiny color variations on the stone’s two faces (one side may appear more blue or purple than the other).

Is tanzanite an excellent stone to invest in?

Thanks to its rarity and exclusivity, tanzanite gemstone and jewelry are ideal investment choices. Also, tanzanite benefits in astrology have created its niche in the market.


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