Orange Zircon Gemstone: A Brief Overview of Its Color, Cost, Benefits, & More

Orange Zircon Gemstone - Know About Its Color, Price, Benefits and More

All that glitters is not gold – It might be an orange zircon!

Maybe the hostess of a party caught your eye with a magnificent orange piece of jewelry and explained that it was an orange zircon. You jot down a mental note to Google “whatever this is” when you get home since you’ve never heard of it before.

Well, consider this your official introduction to the amazing world of orange zircons! Let’s go deeper to learn more about this marvel that stands out amid the list of orange gemstones.

What Is an Orange Zircon Gemstone and Where Does It Come From

An orange zircon is a beautiful variety of gemstone zircon that comes in a plethora of colors, including yellow, green, red, and brown. It is the oldest known mineral on Earth.

Orange zircons are common in metamorphic rocks all over the globe. Some sedimentary rocks, particularly those subjected to high temperatures and pressures, also contain them. Significant orange zircon deposits exist in many countries, including Australia, Brazil, China, India, Russia, Sri Lanka, and the United States.

History & Usage of the Orange Zircon Gemstone

Orange zircons have been used for centuries. The Arabic word “zarqun,” which means “golden hue,” is the source of the term “zircon.” 

Zircons were first used in Mesopotamia and Egypt as beads in necklaces and other jewelry. In the Middle Ages, orange zircons were thought to have magical powers and were used to ward off evil spirits. 

Today, orange zircons are still popular as gemstones and are used for a variety of purposes, from making beautiful jewelry to decorating homes. This versatile gemstone is often used in settings for pendants, earrings, bracelets, and rings. 

It can also be cut into different shapes and sizes for use as accent stones in larger pieces of jewelry or as standalone pieces. In addition to being used in jewelry, orange zircons can also be used in vases, bowls, and other home decor items.

Also See: Gemstone Colors Chart – List of Gemstones By Color

How is Orange Zircon Formed: Color and Properties

Orange zircon is formed through a process of metamorphism, in which high temperatures and pressures transform the mineral zircon into orange zircon. The crystal structure of this mineral contains iron, which gives it its distinctive orange color.

As its name suggests, orange zircon ranges in color from a pale orange to a deep reddish-brown. The most valuable orange zircons are those with a pure orange hue; however, many people prefer the unique look of orange zircons with slight color variations. No two orange zircons are exactly alike!

It has a high refractive index and dispersion, meaning that it sparkles and shimmers in the light. Orange zircon is also quite hard; it measures 7.5 on the Mohs scale, which means that it can withstand everyday wear and tear.

How to Maintain & Clean Your Orange Zircon Jewelry

Taking care of your orange zircon ring or any piece of jewelry is crucial. Here are some tips on how to keep your orange zircon jewelry clean and sparkling:

  • When you are not wearing your orange zircon jewelry, store it in a jewelry box or a soft cloth pouch.
  • Avoid exposing your orange zircons to chemicals, such as household cleaners, perfumes, and lotions.
  • Use a gentle cloth and warm water when cleaning your orange zircon gemstone. Avoid using harsh cleaners or scrubbing the jewelry too hard, as this can damage the zircon.
  • If your orange zircon gem becomes dull, you can revitalize the stone by soaking it in warm water for a few minutes and then drying it with a soft cloth.

Also See: Famous Gemstones In The World

Benefits of Wearing an Orange Zircon Gemstone 

There are many astrological benefits to wearing an orange zircon. Having this gemstone in your possession is said to boost your confidence and provide you with a lucky edge. It is also said to aid in clearing away stress and encouraging cheerful feelings.

The stone of vitality and creativity, orange zircon has a well-deserved reputation. It may help you relax and think more clearly and deliberately. In addition to its beauty, Orange Zircon is treasured for its reputed capacity to inspire sentiments of contentment, joy, and hope.

How Much is Orange Zircon Worth: Price Per Carat & Value

The value of orange zircon varies depending on its quality and size. The average price per carat is $50. However, top-quality orange zircons can sell for $200 per carat or more.

There are two main types of orange zircon: fiery and golden. Fiery orange zircons are the most valuable, due to their intense color. Golden orange zircons are less precious, but still incredibly lovely.

When shopping for orange zircon, be sure to ask about the type of zircon you’re buying. The type will affect the price, so it’s important to know what you’re paying for.

Also See: All About the Blue Zircon Gemstone: Its Properties, Color, Price, Use and More


Is orange zircon rare?

No, it’s not particularly rare. In fact, it’s the second most popular zircon color after blue.

What color zircon is the rarest?

Green zircon is the rarest color of zircon. It’s so rare, in fact, that it’s often mistaken for peridot.

How can I tell if my zircon is real?

There are several tests that may verify the authenticity of your zircon. Examine the gem up and personal with a magnifying glass first. Seeing flawless crystals with six sides is a solid indicator that your zircon is genuine. 
Try the acid test, second. Place a droplet of vinegar or lemon juice on your zircon. If the stone fizzes or dissolves, it’s not a zircon. Lastly, consult a gemologist if you want to be sure that the stone is genuine.

In the Mood for an Orange Zircon?

That’s it; you’re all caught up! Here is a quick crash course on the splendor of orange zircons.

Whether looking for orange zircon rings or a necklace with a dramatic focal point, you’re sure to turn heads with this gorgeous jewelry.

Feel free to share your reservations about orange sapphires below in the comments section if you’re still on the fence. You can count on us to provide a hand!


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