Enhanced Blue Diamond Gemstone: Its Meaning, Color, Price, Properties, Benefits & More

Enhanced Blue Diamond Gemstone: Its Meaning, Color, Price, Properties, Benefits and More

So you’re shopping for an enhanced blue diamond gemstone? Great choice! Here’s what you need to know about this striking stone. 

The color of an enhanced blue diamond can vary from light baby blue to dark navy, and its price depends on the intensity of the hue. Blue diamonds also have healing properties, making them an excellent gift for an engaged couple or anyone who appreciates beautiful jewelry. 

Want to learn more? Keep reading!

What is an Enhanced Blue Diamond: Meaning, History, & Origin

The name “diamond” derives from the ancient Greek word “Adamas,” which meaning “unbreakable.”Diamonds are one of the hardest substances on Earth. 

Natural blue diamonds are the rarest among the list of blue precious stones. In fact, they are so rare that most people have never seen a natural blue diamond. Most blue diamonds on sale today are known as enhanced blue diamonds, so named because of the treatment process used to improve the gems’ hue.

The Hope Diamond is one of the world’s most famous blue diamonds. It is a large, deep blue diamond found in India in the 1600s. It was likely mined from a bigger stone weighing more than 400 carats before being chopped down to size. Many famous people have owned the Hope Diamond, including King Louis XIV of France and Marie Antoinette.

In addition to South Africa, India, and Brazil, are also important producers of blue diamonds. The majority of blue diamonds sold today have had their hue enhanced by treatment. The treatments used can vary, but they all involve using high temperatures or chemicals.

How is the Gemstone Formed: Color, Properties, & Hardness

The chemical element boron is responsible for the distinctive blue hue of diamonds. While boron is present in very trace amounts in the Earth’s mantle, it is believed that “trapped” boron during diamond production is responsible for the coloration of blue diamonds. On the other hand, enhanced blue diamonds get their colors due to the heat of chemical treatments.

There are different types of enhanced blue diamonds in terms of colors. These blue gemstones range in hues from light blue to very dark blue. The most common colors are pale blue and medium blue. 

However, there are two kinds of diamonds: Type I and Type II.

Type I diamonds make up about 98% of all diamonds. They are nitrogen-poor and have a nitrogen content that is uniform across the diamond. Type I diamonds can be any color, including blue. Enhanced blue diamonds fall into this category.

Type II diamonds are much rarer. Diamonds with these inclusions are more nitrogenous and their nitrogen distribution is uneven. This creates “clusters” of nitrogen atoms, which give the diamond its color. Type II diamonds can be any color, most often yellow, green, or blue. Type IIb diamonds are the most common classification for true blue diamonds.

The Mohs scale ranks minerals from 1 to 10 based on their hardness. Diamonds, including enhanced blue diamonds, are at 10, which is the hardest.

Enhanced Blue Diamond Gemstone Price

If you’re looking for enhanced blue diamond rings, you’ll want to know about the prices of these beauties. Blue diamonds are among the most precious and the rarest gemstones in the world, and enhanced blue diamonds are even more so. Here’s what you need to know about their price.

An enhanced blue diamond’s price depends on several factors, including size, quality, and clarity. The largest and most perfect blue diamonds can sell for millions of dollars. However, smaller and less perfect stones are still quite valuable and can sell for tens of thousands of dollars.

When it comes to quality, the most critical factor is the intensity of the blue color—the more intense the blue, the more valuable the diamond. While clarity is crucial, it is not necessarily the primary deciding factor in pricing for blue diamonds due to the prevalence of clarity-improving treatments for this gemstone.

If you’re interested in purchasing an enhanced blue diamond gemstone, be sure to work with a reputable jeweler.

Also See: Gemstone Colors and Names

Benefits of Wearing Enhanced Blue Diamond Gemstone

As astrological benefits of blue diamonds are concerned, this stone is known for bringing good luck and fortune. It may help improve one’s financial condition. Wearing an enhanced blue diamond is also said to benefit mental and physical health.

It is known to relieve stress and tension and is also helpful in boosting energy levels. Additionally, blue diamonds are also known to improve communication skills. Wearing an enhanced blue diamond gemstone can also help bring harmony and balance to relationships.

Care Instructions for Enhanced Blue Diamond Jewelry

When taking care of your enhanced blue diamond ring or other blue diamond jewelry, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Avoid exposing the enhanced blue diamond ring or necklace to harsh chemicals, as this can damage the diamond.
  • Make sure to clean the enhanced blue diamond jewelry regularly with a block of mild soap and warm water. 
  • Store the enhanced blue diamond jewels in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. 
  • Take the blue diamond ring off before participating in activities that could potentially damage the ring, such as gardening or playing sports.
  • Have the blue diamond jewelry inspected and cleaned by a professional jeweler every 6 months to ensure it is in good condition.

Buying Tips for Enhanced Blue Diamond Gemstone

When shopping for enhanced blue diamonds, remember that the most crucial factor is the stone’s quality. You should inquire about the treatment method for enhanced blue diamonds before making a purchase.

In general, blue diamonds are more expensive than other diamonds, so be prepared to pay a premium price. However, enhanced blue diamonds may be available at a discount, so it’s worth shopping around.

Be sure to work with a reputable jeweler to ensure you’re getting a high-quality blue diamond. And don’t forget to get the stone appraised before you make your final purchase. With these tips in mind, you’re sure to find the perfect blue diamond gemstone for your collection.


Q. 1. How much is a 1-carat blue diamond worth?

The price per carat for blue diamonds can range from $2,000 to $25,000 per carat.

Q. 2. What does a blue diamond ring symbolize?

A blue diamond ring symbolizes luxury, wealth, and power. It is the perfect gift for someone who wants to make a statement.

Q. 3. How can you tell if a blue diamond is real?

The best way to tell if a blue diamond is real is to have it evaluated by a certified gemologist. Blue diamonds are very rare and valuable, so it is important to ensure you are getting what you pay for.

Q. 4. What is the difference between blue diamonds and enhanced blue diamonds?

Blue diamonds are genuine, earth-mined diamonds of the rarest color. Enhanced blue diamonds have been treated with chemicals or heat to enhance their color.

Are You in the Mood for an Enhanced Blue Diamond?

So, how do you feel about an enhanced blue diamond with some added sparkle? They are certainly a unique and captivating option for anyone looking to purchase a diamond gemstone

With their vivid color and dazzling properties, they are sure to turn heads. 

As always, let us know what you think in the comments, and be sure to share this post with your friends and family. Thanks for reading!


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