Blue Sapphire Gemstone – All About the Colors, Price, Benefits & More

Blue Sapphire Gemstone

Feeling blue? Maybe you need a blue sapphire gemstone! 

This precious stone is known for its beautiful blue color and comes in a variety of cuts. Learn more about the different types of blue sapphires, their colors, prices and benefits. 

Blue sapphire gemstones are some of the most popular gemstones in the world. They have been prized for centuries for their beautiful blue color. Blue sapphire rings continue to be one of the most popular choices for engagements and weddings. 

But what exactly is a blue sapphire gemstone, and where does it originate from? 

Let’s find out.

What is a Blue Sapphire Gemstone and Where Does It Come From? 

A blue sapphire is a type of corundum, which is a form of aluminum oxide. It is typically found in metamorphic rocks, and it can also be found in alluvial deposits. The blue color of blue sapphires is caused by trace amounts of iron and titanium. Blue sapphires typically range in color from blue to violet, and they can be found in a variety of sizes.

Blue sapphires are mined in a number of countries around the world, including Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Brazil, Australia, and the United States. Sri Lanka is currently the largest producer of blue sapphires, with Madagascar being a close second. 

The vast majority of blue sapphire gemstones on the market today are untreated, meaning that they have not been exposed to heat or chemicals during the mining process. However, some blue sapphires may undergo treatment to improve their color or clarity.

If you’re interested in adding a blue sapphire gemstone to your collection, be sure to do your research to find a reputable dealer. Once you’ve found the perfect blue sapphire ring or piece of jewelry, you’ll be able to enjoy its beauty for many years to come.

Types and Shades of Blue Sapphire Gemstone

Blue sapphire is a blue precious stone that has been prized for centuries for its extraordinary color. The term “sapphire” actually comes from the Latin word “saphirus” or the Greek word “sapheiros,” both of which mean blue. 

Color is a key factor in distinguishing between different types of blue sapphire gemstones. The most prized blue sapphires are those with a deep blue hue, but the stone can also be found in a variety of other shades, including greenish-blue, pale blue, and even violet. While blue sapphires are often associated with royalty and luxury, they are actually quite affordable and can be found in a wide range of jewelry, from simple pendants to elaborate rings.

Factors that Affect the Blue Sapphire Price 

The price of a blue sapphire gemstone is affected by a variety of factors, including its quality, rarity, and size. Let’s dig deeper into the details.

Carat Weight

Carat weight is perhaps the most important factor influencing blue sapphire’s price. The price per carat of blue sapphires increases exponentially with size. For example, a one carat blue sapphire may cost $1,000 per carat, while a two carat blue sapphire may cost $4,000 per carat. This is due to the fact that large blue sapphires are rarer than small ones.


Cut is another important factor affecting the cost. A well-cut blue sapphire will have maximum brilliance and fire, resulting in a more beautiful and valuable gemstone. Poorly cut blue sapphires are less lustrous and may even appear dull. Therefore, the cut has a significant impact on blue sapphire prices.

Color and Rarity

Color is another key factor that determines the price of a blue sapphire. The most prized blue sapphires are velvety blue in color. These rare gems typically command the highest prices. Sapphires with lighter blue hues are less valuable, while those with green or purple tints are the least desirable and therefore the least expensive.


Clarity is also a consideration when it comes to blue sapphire prices. Most blue sapphires contain some inclusions, or internal blemishes. However, these should not be visible to the naked eye. Sapphires with few inclusions are more highly prized and thus command higher prices than those with many inclusions. Inclusion-free blue sapphires are very rare and therefore extremely valuable.


Finally, a blue sapphire gemstone that has been certified by a reputable laboratory will usually fetch a higher price than one that has not been certified. This is because buyers can be confident that they are getting a genuine blue sapphire of high quality when it comes with certification from a well-respected lab.

Also See: Know All About Yellow Sapphire Gemstone

How to Care for Your Blue Sapphire Gemstone

Blue sapphires are one of the most popular gemstones, and for good reason – they’re beautiful, durable, and versatile. However, like all gemstones, they require some special care to keep them looking their best. Here are a few tips on how to take care of your blue sapphire ring and other jewelries:

  • First and foremost, avoid exposing your sapphire to harsh chemicals. This means taking it off before doing any cleaning – both at home and at the jewelry store. Sapphires are also relatively soft stones, so be careful not to bang or drop them.
  • When you’re not wearing your ring, store it in a soft cloth pouch or jewelry box. This will help protect it from scratches and other damage. Additionally, don’t store your sapphire next to other hard gemstones, as they could scratch each other.
  • Finally, have your blue sapphire ring checked by a professional jeweler every 6-12 months. They’ll inspect the setting and prongs to make sure they’re still secure, as well as clean the stone itself. This will help keep your blue sapphire ring looking beautiful for years to come!

The Benefits of Wearing a Blue Sapphire Gemstone

Whether you’re looking to boost your creativity, attract good luck, or just keep negative energy at bay, wearing a blue sapphire gemstone can be beneficial.

Astrological Benefits 

There are several astrological benefits of blue sapphire that a wearer might benefit from. For example, those who wear a blue sapphire are said to be blessed with good luck, fortune, and success.

Of course, blue sapphires are not just for those seeking personal growth and enrichment. The gemstone is also said to ward off negative energy, making it an ideal choice for those who are sensitive to the vibes of others. 

Other Benefits

In addition to astrological benefits, blue sapphire gemstones are also widely believed to have general benefits. 

  • For one, it is believed to promote mental clarity and focus. If you’re the type of person who feels constantly scattered and disorganized, wearing a blue sapphire might just be the answer. The stone is also said to foster creativity, so if you’ve been feeling stuck in a rut, give it a try.
  • Sapphires of all colors are also said to be helpful in promoting peaceful sleep and reducing stress levels. 
  • If you’re the type of person who picks up on the tension in a room or feels drained after being around certain people, wearing a blue sapphire might help you stay grounded and protect your energy.

Also See: Know All About Pink Sapphire Gemstone

Buying Tips for Blue Sapphires 

If you’re thinking of buying a blue sapphire, there are a few things you should keep in mind. 

  • First, consider the stone’s clarity. A blue sapphire with fewer inclusions will be more expensive, but it will also be more beautiful. 
  • Second, think about the size of the stone. A larger blue sapphire will make a bigger impact, but it will also be more expensive. 
  • Finally, take into account the cut of the stone. A well-cut blue sapphire will sparkle and shine, while a poorly-cut stone will be less impressive. 

Which Celebrities have been Seen Wearing Blue Sapphire

Did you know that blue sapphire is considered to be one of the most popular precious stones? It’s no wonder then that celebrities like Elizabeth Hurley, Kate Middleton, Penélope Cruz, and Victoria Beckham have all been spotted wearing this beautiful gemstone.

Sapphires are known for their exceptional hardness and durability, which makes them perfect for everyday wear. Not to mention, their stunning blue hue is said to symbolize faithfulness, wisdom, and honesty. It’s no wonder so many celebrities have chosen to wear this protective stone!


Q 1.  How do I know if my gemstone is blue sapphire?

One way to tell if your blue sapphire is original and of good quality is to look at the color. A good quality blue sapphire will have a deep, rich blue color. A high quality blue sapphire should be very clear, without any blemishes or inclusions visible to the naked eye. Finally, you can consult with a qualified gemologist to have your stone evaluated.

Q 2. Can anyone wear a blue sapphire?

Yes, but there are some astrological considerations to take into account. Blue sapphire is the gemstone associated with planet Saturn, which can bestow both auspicious and inauspicious effects depending on one’s individual horoscope. Because of this, many astrologers do not recommend wearing blue sapphire for everyone.

Q 3. Where do dark blue sapphires come from?

Dark blue sapphires are found in a variety of locations around the world, including India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Australia, and even the United States. These beautiful stones get their color from traces of iron and titanium within the crystal structure.

Also See: Gemstone Colors and Names

Ready for Your First Blue Sapphire Purchase?

So, there you have it. Everything you ever wanted to know about blue sapphire gemstones and then some. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or a long-time collector, we hope this post has helped shed some light on these beautiful stones. 

Are you ready to buy your first blue sapphire? Let us know in the comment section below – we would be happy to help! 


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