Purple Gemstones – List of 10 Purple Precious & Semi-Precious Stones

Purple Gemstones - List of 10 Purple Precious and Semi-Precious Stones

Calm, fairy-like, and mysterious – purple gemstones evoke a certain kind of magic. From precious sapphires to semi-precious amethyst, purple gems are a beauty to behold.

Not only do they make the perfect piece of jewelry, but they also have a calming and tranquil vibe that is sure to make heads turn. So whether you are a passionate jewelry collector or just want to own something rare and unique, we have collated your go-to list of purple gemstones.

But before we dig into the list, let’s find out why purple gemstones are so unique and the meaning of these beauties.

What are Purple Gemstones: Meaning, History & Popular Names

The history of purple gemstones is rich and extensive, stretching back to ancient times. These stones are believed to bring love and peace and have been used to symbolize courage and power in many cultures across centuries. Plus, purple is the color of royalty and wealth, making purple gemstones highly sought-after.

Some of the most popular purple gem names include amethyst, purple sapphire, and purple diamonds. Each of the stones listed below has its own unique characteristics and will undoubtedly be the star of your jewelry collection.

List of Purple Precious and Semi-Precious Stones

Let’s cut to the chase and get right into our top 10 list of purple precious and semi-precious gemstones:

1. Amethyst: A SemipreciousSemi-Precious Purple Gemstone with a Royal Purple Hue

This vibrant semi-precious stone has been valued for centuries due to its high durability and striking purple color. It typically ranges from light to dark purple and is often found in a hexagon shape. Amethyst is a timeless beauty and is the perfect pick for those who value sophistication.

In terms of hardness, Amethyst measures a 7 on the Mohs scale, making it an ideal stone for everyday jewelry. It is also said to bring peace and tranquility and is associated with intuition and spiritual protection.

For a 1-carat amethyst, you can expect to shell out anywhere between $15-30. On the other hand, an amethyst ring for women can range anywhere from $30-500. 

2. Purple Sapphire: A Radiant Gemstone that Ranges from Lavender to Deep Purple

If you are searching for a precious purple stone, purple sapphire is your go-to gem. This regal gemstone comes in a range of shades – from light lavender to deep purple – making it a dreamy purple jewel.

With a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale, this purple jewel is renowned for its strength and endurance. Purple sapphires are quite rare, so count yourself among the fortunate if you manage to get one.

And, if you’re looking for unique purple engagement rings, purple sapphires are a perfect choice. In terms of price, purple sapphire can range anywhere between $500-$3000 per carat.

Move on to the next purple gemstone and discover why purple is here to stay!

3. Purple Diamond: A Unique Gemstone that is Rare and Valuable

This purple marvel is hard to find, but it’s a sight to behold when you do. Purple diamond is an extremely rare gemstone, and its value increases with the intensity of its color. As with any diamond, they also score a perfect 10 on the Mohs scale, making them highly durable. 

While most purple diamonds are found in shades of lavender, some deep purple diamonds have been found. Purple diamond gemstones are also said to evoke love and power, making them a popular choice for gem collectors.

If you want to purchase this precious purple gemstone, be prepared to shell out a hefty amount – the gemstones’ prices can range anywhere from $2000-$8000 per carat.

4. Tanzanite: A Regal Gemstone with a Charismatic Purple Sparkle

If you are looking for gemstones in shades of purple, don’t forget to include tanzanite on your list. Tanzanite is a gemstone found in shades of violet, blue and purple. The gem is known for its sparkling purple hue and ability to change hues in different lighting.

Tanzanite is quite durable and measures a hardness of 6-7 on the Mohs scale, making it an ideal choice for tanzanite rings. It is also said to bring peace and balance to its wearer’s life.

As far as pricing goes, tanzanite gemstones generally range from $400-3000 per carat. So, if you’re searching for a unique bluish-purple jewel, tanzanite should definitely be on your list.

5. Charoite: An Iridescent Stone with a Vibrant Purple Hue

This purple gemstone has an iridescent look and is found in shades of purple, pink, and lilac. It typically has a glossy look, and it’s often said to have a mesmerizing pattern.

Charoite, a purple semiprecious stone, rates between 5 and 6 on the Mohs hardness scale. It is often used for making cabochons and beads and is said to bring clarity and positivity.

Charoite gemstones range from $10 to $ 50 per carat, making them a great choice for those on a budget.

6. Purple Tourmaline: A Colorful Gemstone for a Stylish Look

From light lavender to deep purple, purple tourmaline is a gemstone that is available in a wide range of hues. On the Mohs scale, the hardness of this purple semi-precious stone is between 7 and 7.5, making it fairly sturdy. It gets its distinctive purple hue because of the presence of iron, manganese, and titanium.

It is said to bring joy and happiness, and many people use it for making jewelry pieces like earrings and necklaces.

Regarding pricing, purple tourmaline can range anywhere from $35-150 per carat.

7. Iolite: A Purple Gemstone with a Refreshing Look

Iolite is a semi-precious gemstone with an intense purple hue and blue and grey undertones. It is also known for its beautiful transparency and is often cut into cabochon and faceted stones.

Iolite has a hardness of 7-7.5 on the Mohs scale and is said to bring courage and strength. It is also believed to be a protective gemstone that helps in self-discovery and soul searching.

Iolite gemstones are priced anywhere between $50-300 per carat, depending on their hue and clarity.

8. Purple Garnet: A Purplish Red Gemstone with Healing Properties

Think of purple garnet as purple’s distant relative. This gemstone is found in varying shades of pink, red and purple. Their color is caused by iron and chromium traces, and they are known for their durability.

On the Mohs scale, purple garnet ranks between 7 and 7.5, and it is also thought to have curative properties. It is believed to bring calmness, joy, and positivity.

If you’re looking for purple garnet gemstones, be prepared to spend anywhere from $30-200 per carat.

9. Kunzite: A Vivid Purple Gemstone with a Mystical Sheen

Kunzite is a pinkish-purple gemstone that has an intense, vivid hue. It also has a unique luster and a hint of mysticism. This gemstone is also said to bring strength and courage and is often used for making rings, pendants, and earrings.

The Mohs hardness scale rates this semiprecious stone as a 6-7.

Kunzite gemstones generally range from $150-400 per carat. So, kunzite is undoubtedly something to consider if you’re looking for a distinctive purple gem with an enigmatic sheen and therapeutic benefits.

10. Lavender Rose Quartz: A Delicate Gemstone

Lavender rose quartz is a pale, delicate purple gemstone with a soft shade of lavender. It has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, and you can find it in shades of light purple, lilac, and violet.

Lavender rose quartz is said to bring relaxation and calmness and also helps to reduce stress and tension. It is often used for making pendants, earrings, rings, and necklaces.

The price of lavender rose quartz gemstones ranges from $10-50 per carat.


What is the meaning of purple gemstones?

According to legend, purple gemstones promote joy, contentment, and relaxation. They are believed to be protective gemstones that help in self-discovery and soul searching.

Which purple gemstones are the most expensive?

Generally, purple diamonds and purple sapphires are the most expensive purple gemstones. However, this can vary depending on their clarity and origin.

How are purple gemstones used?

Jewelry like rings, pendants, earrings, and necklaces look stunning when set with purple gemstones. They are also sometimes used to decorate the interiors of homes and offices.

Have You Decided on a Favorite Purple Gem?

Now that you know your possibilities, you may add a pop of purple to your fine jewelry collection. But, with such an extended list of gemstones by the color purple, it can take a lot of work to pick just one!

However, there’s no hurry! Take your sweet time to find the right gemstone, and make sure you look out for its quality. Whether you’re looking for a sentimental gift or a unique accessory to wear with pride, there’s a purple gemstone out there just meant for you.


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