Tanzanite Gemstone: A Detailed Guide to Its Color, Price, Care & Benefits

Tanzanite Gemstone - Know About Its Color, Price, Benefits and More

Do you love blue or purple gemstones? If yes, then tanzanite gemstone should be your next favorite. 

Ranking among the rarest gems on Earth, it is found only in Tanzania and is known for its gorgeous blue hue. 

Wondering what else makes tanzanite so special? Keep reading to know everything about this exquisite gemstone!

What is a Tanzanite Gemstone: Meaning and History

Tanzanite is a stunning blue-violet gemstone that was first discovered in 1967 in Tanzania. Since then, it has become one of the most popular gemstones on the market. 

The name tanzanite is derived from its place of origin, Tanzania. The stone was first discovered by a Masai tribesman who found crystals of the gemstone near the Mount Kilimanjaro volcano. The tribe woman eventually sold the crystals to a jeweler, who brought them to Europe and started selling them as tanzanite gemstones.

Despite its relatively recent discovery, tanzanite has quickly become a popular gemstone. It is prized for its unique color, which ranges from deep blue to violet. Tanzanite is also known for its durability and clarity, making it an ideal choice for use in jewelry and other decorative items.

How is Tanzanite Gemstone Formed: Colors and Varieties 

This beautiful stone is prized for its unique violet-blue color, which is said to change shades depending on the angle from which it is viewed.

Tanzanite stone is formed when the mineral zoisite is subjected to high heat and pressure. This process can create a variety of colors to form different types of tanzanite, from blue to purple to violet. The most popular color is blue, which is caused by the presence of titanium in the crystal structure. 

The different colors are also caused by different levels of heat treatment that the stone undergoes. For example, blue tanzanite is heated at a lower temperature than violet tanzanite. 

As a result, tanzanite is a very versatile gemstone that can be used in a variety of jewelry designs. Whether you’re looking for a traditional blue stone or something more unique, tanzanite is sure to have the perfect color for you.

What are the Factors Affecting the Price of Tanzanite?

Tanzanite is a popular gemstone for jewelry because it is very strong and resistant to scratches. It is also quite rare, making it valuable. While tanzanite is relatively new to the jewelry market, it has quickly become one of the most sought-after stones for engagement and wedding rings. But what exactly goes into the price of a tanzanite gemstone?

Depth and Quality of Color

The first factor is depth and quality of color. The deeper and more vibrant the blue, the more valuable the stone. 

Type of Cut and Polish

The second factor is the type of cut and polish. The gemstone is typically cut into a rectangular or triangular shape, known as an emerald cut. It can also be cut into a round brilliant cut, which maximizes its sparkle. 


The third factor is clarity. Like diamonds, tanzanites are graded on a scale from I (included) to VVS (very, very slightly included). 


The fourth and final factor is the carat weight. The heavier the stone, the higher the price tag.

So there you have it! The next time you’re admiring tanzanite rings, you’ll know exactly what goes into their price tag.

Read More: The Complete Guide to Aquamarine Gemstones

Benefits of Owning and Wearing Tanzanite Gemstone

Astrological Benefits

Those who are believers in astrology can reap many of the tanzanite’s astrological benefits by wearing the gemstone. It is the birthstone for the month of December and is said to be beneficial for people born under the astrological sign of Sagittarius. 

Additionally, tanzanite is said to have powerful protective properties, making it an excellent stone for warding off negative energy and bringing good luck. 

Spiritual Benefits 

Owning a tanzanite gemstone comes with a number of spiritual benefits. For one, it is said to help its host to connect with its higher self. Tanzanite is also said to be helpful in balancing the chakras and promoting relaxation.

This gemstone is also said to improve one’s sixth sense. Additionally, wearing tanzanite is said to help with meditation and promote calmness.

Health Benefits

Apart from being beautiful, tanzanite gemstones also have several physical and mental benefits. Wearing tanzanites can promote creativity, help with concentration and memory recall. It is also believed to help with anxiety, stress, and depression. 

The physical benefits of tanzanite gemstone include relief from aches, pains, and cramps. It is also said to boost the immune system, improve circulation, and aid in detoxification. So, not only does tanzanite look good, but it’s good for you too!

How to Take Care of Your Tanzanite Jewelry: Quick Overview

Here’s a quick overview of how to take care of your tanzanite ring and other jewelry. 

  • Tanzanite is a delicate gemstone, so it’s important to handle it with care. Avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals, heat, or direct sunlight. 
  • When cleaning your tanzanite jewelry, use only mild soap and warm water. Gently scrub the piece with a soft, lint-free cloth. 
  • Be sure to rinse it well and dry it thoroughly before storing it. 
  • Tanzanite is also relatively soft, so it can scratch easily. To avoid damage, store your tanzanite jewelry in a soft cloth pouch or box. 
  • Avoid stacking other pieces on top of it. 

If you take good care of your tanzanite jewelry, it will look as good as the day you got it.

Read More: Blue Sapphire Gemstone Price Guide

Buying Tips for Tanzanite Gemstone

When it comes to buying tanzanite gemstones, there are a few things to keep in mind. To begin, tanzanite can only be found in one location: Tanzania’s Merelani Hills. This makes it one of the very rare gemstones, and as such, it can be quite expensive. 

However, there are a few ways to get around this. 

  • First of all, try to buy from a reputable dealer who can provide you with a warranty or certificate of authenticity. 
  • Second, look for stones that have been cut and polished by skilled artisans. These will be of better quality and more valuable than those that have been mass-produced.
  • Finally, keep in mind that the size and quality of the stone are not always directly correlated. A smaller, well-cut stone can often be more valuable than a larger, lower-quality one.

Also See: How to Buy Gemstone Engagement Rings


Q 1. What is an alternative gemstone to tanzanite?

As the only blue gemstone mined from the earth’s crust, tanzanite stands out from the crowd. However, diamond, sapphire, ruby, and emerald are some of the other gemstones that may be used as substitutes for tanzanite. Other blue gemstones, like sapphire, can be found all over the world and have different qualities. Since no other green gemstones are found in the earth’s crust, emerald is likewise a rare and special gemstone.

Q 2. What is a tanzanite gemstone used for?

Tanzanite is often used in jewelry, as it has a striking blue color. It is typically set in gold or silver to show off its color. Tanzanite can also be fashioned into rings, necklaces, and earrings.

Q 3. Is Tanzanite a gemstone or crystal?

Tanzanite is a gemstone. It is a member of the zoisite mineral family.

Q 4. Is Tanzanite a precious gemstone?

Located solely in Tanzania, tanzanite is a one-of-a-kind gemstone. Even though it’s considered a semi-precious stone, its scarcity makes it rather expensive.

Q 5. What gemstone looks like tanzanite?

The blue variety of the gemstone zircon is a common lookalike for tanzanite. It is a less expensive option and has a similar blue color.

Be Ready to Get Your Own Tanzanite!

As a rare gem, tanzanite is among the world’s best. Because of its long and significant past, it is often used in ornaments. 

Do your homework before purchasing a tanzanite gemstone to ensure you obtain the finest quality and price. And if you already have tanzanite jewelry, take good care of it, so it lasts forever! 

So, exactly how smitten with tanzanite are you? Leave a comment and let us know.


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