What Are the Jewelry Industry Trends 2023-2024? Get the Statistics

What Are the Jewelry Industry Trends 2023-2024? Get the Statistics

Numbers never lie, or should we say statistics don’t lie? Although this is debatable, we will look into factual jewelry industry statistics from 2023-2024 and beyond that are shaping the current trends and those that are expected soon. 

Hoping that you are a jewelry enthusiast, either as a manufacturer or a wearer, can you estimate the current value of the global jewelry market? Well, here is a sneak preview of the recent statistics.

Do you know the global jewelry market will be worth USD 289.8 billion in 2023? Statista predicts that by 2024, this value will soar to a staggering USD 310.90. And if that weren’t enough, between 2023 and 2026, the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is predicted to be 3.68 percent. Now you know.

And despite the current economic challenges in the world over, the luxury jewelry market is expected to have the largest share valued at USD 27.47 billion of the global jewelry market in 2024. Currently, as per Statista analysis, it is worth USD 26.59 billion. Even with the effects of Covid 19, the Russia-Ukraine war, and a looming global recession expected to hit this year, the future of this industry seems bright.

However, the key question is: Why is this business still thriving in the face of so many global economic difficulties? Let’s examine some of the most prominent elements stoking the expansion of the jewelry sector.

Shall we?

What are the Factors Leading to Exponential Growth in the Jewelry Industry in 2023-24?

As mentioned earlier on, the jewelry industry, despite its production of non-basic items, has continued to see better days. So the big question is: why? Of course, jewelry has become more affordable hence allowing more people to acquire it. At the same time, jewelry items are being seen as a form of investment that many more people are willing to add to their investment portfolios.

With this insight, let’s look into several factors that have ensured consistent growth of this market and the jewelry manufacturing industry trends.

1. A Rise in Available and Disposable Funds

Really, and how is that even possible in the current economy? You may ask. Well, despite the hardships, a lot of things have changed for sure. This includes the way people are spending their money. After the Covid 19 pandemic hit the whole world, people modified their way of doing things, which has not changed much. Due to travel restrictions enforced in most countries, people learned other ways of doing things. 

For instance, people reduced their travel and vacation expenses and became more aware of their day-to-day spending. This consequently retained more disposable money in their pockets amid the crisis. The extra money in people’s pockets is surely finding its way into the jewelry industry.

2. Growing Awareness About Jewelry as a Fashion Statement

If there is a time when people are looking to up their game as far as being and staying fashionable and trendy is concerned, it is now. No wonder this ever-growing awareness is fueling the growth of the jewelry industry. Engaging young and enthusiastic fashionable influencers has not only contributed positively to this awareness but has also been a way of demonstrating how old and new jewelry pieces can be worn fashionably and correctly.

3. Rising Popularity of E-Commerce Platforms

As the world wide web came into being in 1989-1990, so did the numerous online marketing opportunities that have continually gotten better with time. However, in recent times, this increment has skyrocketed, leading to a steady expansion of e-commerce and online sales.

Without a doubt, the rising trend of e-commerce has enabled the global jewelry market to reach consumers in far-flung areas, which in turn provides them with more options and convenience when shopping for jewelry.

4. An Insatiable Need for Personalization and Customization in Jewelry

And who doesn’t like feeling special and unique? In a good and positive way, of course. No one. This growing trend of jewelry with a personal touch is expected to drive the global jewelry market higher. More and more jewelry consumers are looking for unique customized jewelry with engravings or monograms that reflects their personal style and preferences.

5. The Growing Use of Advanced Technology in the Jewelry Industry

Are we all in agreement that technology has played a huge role in industrialization all over the world? Cool! It is, therefore, a fact that technology will continue driving the growth of the global jewelry industry in 2023 and beyond. For instance, the use of recent technology, such as virtual try-on to give customers a real-life virtual experience and 3D printing to produce customized jewelry, is becoming more prevalent in the industry. 

At the same time, the increasing popularity of smart jewelry among consumers is expected to create new opportunities for the global jewelry market. These pieces offer their wearers high-tech functionality with the help of artificial intelligence without compromising on the desired aesthetic value.

6. Increased Focus on Sustainable and Ethically-Sourced Materials

Global warming is real indeed, and the effects of this hugely man-made phenomenon are being felt in every corner of the world. Consumers are therefore becoming more conscious of the environmental and social impact of their purchases. This has led to the growing awareness and preference for sustainably and ethically produced jewelry items that have played a huge role in the growth of the jewelry industry trends.

7. The Increasing Popularity of Lab-Grown Gemstones 

Yes! You heard that right. The production of lab-grown diamonds and colored gemstones has led to an increase in the popularity of alternative jewelry materials. This, in turn, has seen a surge in the growth of gemstone industry trends. Jewelry consumers are becoming more open to alternative materials since these gemstone prices are pocket friendly and more ethically and sustainably produced.

Although naturally made diamonds remain highly valued, you can be sure that lab-grown diamonds have brought a paradigm shift in the diamond industry trends. How is this so? Well, the fact is lab-grown diamonds have better qualities and features than natural ones since they are produced in a controlled environment, inside a laboratory, rather than deep in the earth’s crust. Allied Market Research reported that the lab-grown diamonds market is expected to hit almost USD 50 billion by 2030, with a 9.4 percent CAGR spanning between 2021-2030.

Which Are the Most Popular Jewelry Industry Trends in 2023-2024?

Any fashion lover would definitely like to keep tabs on the most popular trends in the jewelry industry. Isn’t it? Some trends are new, and others have seen better days. But what matters most is their appeal, affordability, and ease of use. It is such a lovely gesture to shop for a modish piece of jewelry for your loved ones during their special day or occasion. But with the rising need for self-love and care in our ever-busy environment, many are taking their sweet time to get valuable and trendy jewelry for themselves as well.

Are you excited to find out what these US jewelry market trends are?

Here we go!

1. A Shift Towards Minimalistic, Understated Jewelry Designs

Simple is beautiful is the mantra. Minimalistic and understated jewelry designs have become increasingly popular in recent years as consumers look for pieces that are timeless and versatile. Minimalistic jewelry is ideal for all occasions, and it ensures that you still look modish without complicating things.

2. A Growing Interest in Vintage and Antique Jewelry

We can all, in unison, agree that old is gold as far as vintage and antique jewelry is concerned. Why? Because this kind of jewelry has seen a resurgence in popularity in recent years as consumers look for unique and timeless pieces with a sense of history and character.

3. A Trend Towards Gender-Neutral Jewelry

Not to mean that gender-neutral jewelry has not been in existence, but in recent years, its popularity has shot up. As the name suggests, gender-neutral jewelry can be worn by anyone regardless of their gender.

4. A Focus on Unique, Handcrafted Pieces

There is unexplainable satisfaction that comes from handcrafting art and, more so, jewelry pieces. No wonder consumers are increasingly looking for one-of-a-kind, stylish handcrafted pieces that reflect the creativity and skill of the artist as well as those that reflect their personality. 

Handmade jewelry market analysis, according to Vogue, indicates that jewelry with an artisanal touch is gaining preference among consumers, and it will be trending in 2023-2024.

This is what Victoria Lampley, The Stax’s jewelry consultant had to say on handmade jewelry – “People want pieces from artisanal jewelers who are sitting at the bench themselves. They want the stamp of someone’s fingerprint on a piece.”

5. Increased Use of Storytelling and Branding in the Marketing of Jewelry

It is a fact that we tend to buy items that we have a sentimental attachment to. And so, jewelry companies are using storytelling and branding to create emotional connections with consumers and differentiate their products in the market. This technique makes you – the buyer, feel good and relaxed when spending money acquiring your desired jewelry items. 

6. Preference for Jewelry With Meaning or Symbolism

Of course, knowing that a piece of jewelry you wear carries a deeper meaning or symbolism will give it a sense of nostalgia that is second to none. As expected, customers are gravitating toward jewelry pieces such as birthstones which have a personal and relatable meaning.

7. Easy to Care For Jewelry Trend

That’s it! You don’t want to spend your precious day just cleaning and maintaining your jewelry pieces. What a waste of time that would be. It, therefore, goes without saying that most consumers are looking for jewelry that is easy to care for, such as jewelry made from materials that don’t require polishing or special cleaning. 

The liking for easy-to-maintain and inexpensive jewelry has led to the rise of costume jewelry industry trends. Costume jewelry is made from base metals like copper, brass, and aluminum. They can also be coated with precious metals like gold to prevent tarnishing and allergic reactions on the skin.

A Look at Trendy Jewelry 2023-2024

In recent years, jewelry styles have become popular fashion items for expressing an individual’s personality. Trendy jewelry is an exciting way to express yourself and add a touch of flair to any outfit. From bold statement pieces to delicate, subtle designs, there’s something out there to suit everyone’s unique tastes. 

With a variety of materials, colors, and styles to choose from, you can create the perfect look for any occasion. Whether you’re looking for something to accentuate your everyday look or a show-stopping piece for a special event, you’re sure to find the perfect piece of trendy jewelry.

Do you want to know the most trending pieces?

Okay. Here we go!

1. Colorful Statement Jewelry

Beautiful and eye-catching colors always make an outfit stand out. Be sure to use bold pieces featuring colorful stones, such as rubies, sapphires, and emeralds, as they are expected to remain popular in 2023 and 2024. 

2. Chunky Chain Necklaces

If gems are not your thing, or you just want to have a different look, try chunky chains. This trend is expected to become more popular this year going forward as it can be dressed up or down and is easy to customize. The ability to layer this jewelry with other pieces will make it a very appealing fad.

3. Stackable Rings

To some, rings have very special and personal meanings, but to others, rings are just for beauty. Whatever your reason for wearing them is, try multiple rings of different sizes and styles layered together to create a unique, trendy, and impactful look in 2023. 

4. Hoop Earrings

Although they have been here for years, hoop earrings will remain trendy in 2023 and 2024. These versatile earrings come in a variety of sizes, colors, materials, and designs and can be worn with any outfit. 

5. Personalized Jewelry

Of course, customizable jewelry pieces, such as nameplates, rings, bracelets, and any other ornaments, are expected to remain popular in the upcoming years. We all love personalized items. Don’t we?

6. Mixed Metals

Diversity is the spice of life! And it perfectly applies to your jewelry collection as well. Try mixing different metals, such as gold, silver, and rose gold. It is an easy and sure way of creating a unique 2023 look. 

7. Pearl Jewelry

These beautiful natural gemstones have existed since time immemorial, and they make glamorous jewelry pieces that are expected to remain popular in 2023 and 2024. Additionally, if you are looking forward to investing in jewelry, don’t shy away from pearls but be sure to consult a pearl grading expert.


What is the latest fad in jewelry?

Current and wannabe fashionistas are of the idea that your jewelry introduces you even before you speak. Quite literally. Not surprisingly, large or oversized, bold, and glamorous jewelry items are making it on the list of the most trending fads in 2023 going forward.

Oversized pendants, big and bold rings, long and sometimes chunky chains, to large look-at-me glamorous earrings are the latest go-to statement jewelry. However, pearls, mixed metal, and colorful gemstone jewelry are also making it big.

What is the future of the gem & jewelry industry?

In one word – bright! Despite the economy not doing so well in general, the jewelry industry is set to continue growing, as prior discussed. An increase in disposable income among middle-income earners coupled with a growing demand for trendy and high-fashion jewelry items, among other factors, will see skyrocketing growth in this industry.

Additionally, this growth is bound to attract significant investments in the industry as well as encourage retailers to expand their outlets far and wide. At the same time, the use of technology in the production and marketing of jewelry will also play a major role in securing the future of this promising industry.

What demographic buys the most jewelry?

Although looking excellent and fabulous is not a preserve for any given age group, using jewelry to accessorize outfits is not for little children for obvious reasons. But if you are between the age of 45-54, statistics show that you are among the age group that spends the most on jewelry. This age group is estimated to spend an average of USD 304.6 annually per consumer.

However, the age group with the largest expenditure on jewelry items correctively is between 25 and 34 years old. As the busiest jewelry shoppers, this group makes 35% of all jewelry purchases globally.

Ready to Trend with the Rest?

Making a statement with fashionable jewelry is a terrific way to express yourself. It can be utilized to express your sense of power, culture, or fashion. As far as jewelry, and trendy jewelry for that matter, is concerned, there is something for everyone, and there is a vast selection of styles, hues, and materials. Trendy jewelry will help you stand out whether you want something bold or more understated.

In conclusion, the jewelry industry trends in 2023 is a diverse and constantly evolving market that offers consumers a wide range of products. From traditional and classic designs to more contemporary and fashion-forward pieces, the industry caters to a wide range of tastes and preferences. The use of new technologies and materials and the increasing popularity of sustainable and ethically-sourced options will lead to a more dynamic and innovative industry. 

So, as you get the best jewelry for your loved ones or yourself for that special occasion, keep trendy and keep up with the rest!


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