Can Bloodstone Go In Water?

Can Bloodstone Go In Water

If unique gemstones are your thing, there is no way you can overlook bloodstones. Known for its opaque dark green disposition and striking red markings, it’s a rare beauty to hold. But can bloodstones hold up when exposed to water? The blog has the answers – dive in for all the details! 

The simple science says any gemstone’s (including bloodstone) interaction with water depends entirely on its chemical makeup. You have seen where one type of gemstone does great in water, but some lose their character and charm in water.

It’s just water; what harm can it bring to my bloodstone?

Well, this query shows your intent to know more about bloodstone interaction with water. But, before we answer the same question, how about knowing your stone closely?

So, What is a Bloodstone?

Bloodstone, aka heliotrope, is a cryptocrystalline mixture of quartz that is a chalcedony. It boasts a hexagonal crystal structure. It is pretty famous in red gemstones names due to its unique dark green and red color appearance and some life-changing astrological benefits. As the traditional horoscope birthstone for March babies, it has a special significance in the field of astrology too.

Now, let’s come to the main point- how good bloodstone behaves in water?

Can Bloodstone Go in Water?

Yes, but only for a limited duration of time!

As a matter of fact, a small amount of water will not damage your stone; however, soaking it for an extended period will. This damage can manifest itself in two ways:

Structural Damage

The Mohs hardness scale rating is 6.5-7 for bloodstone, indicating that it can withstand submersion. However, as with all stones, they should not be immersed for an extended period as this can damage the gem, as your bloodstone can develop cracks, leading to breakage. 

Physical Damage

Like the many famous gems available today, bloodstone is polished to augment their luster. Unfortunately, water can wash away the polish and shine. Furthermore, Bloodstone contains hematite, an iron oxide that can rust. This is an irreversible process that can severely harm the aesthetics of the bloodstone jewelry.

Bloodstone and its Reaction to Various Types of Water

In everyday life, one cannot do without water, be it bathing, drinking, or leisure sports like swimming, hot tub, etc. However, the main question is whether your gemstone, in this case, bloodstone, enjoys the water as much as you do. Let’s find out.

Can Bloodstone Go to Saltwater?

Saltwater is well-known for eliminating negative vibes from crystals and soaking up the accumulated energies. A decent Mohs hardness rating indicates that other surfaces do not easily dent it. 

However, do not immerse the bloodstone in salt water, as this can affect the stone. Water can penetrate the stone’s fissures, and the salt persists long after the water evaporates. These particles can potentially enlarge fractures within the stone, causing structural damage.

Can Bloodstone Go in Hot Water?

Woah! Don’t even think about it. No, bloodstones should not be immersed in hot water because it may cause the color to fade or the stone to crack. 

Can Bloodstone Go in Moon Water?

Do you intend to recharge your bloodstone with moon water? Please proceed because bloodstone is safe for moon water purification. Placing crystals in moon water (water charged by the moon’s light) is an excellent way to recharge stones and works well with bloodstones. Bloodstones can be submerged for a short time.

Also See: Can Moonstone Go in Water?

How Does Water Impact Different Bloodstone Varieties?

Being one of the rarest gems in the world, bloodstone is an excellent choice for personalized jewelry designs. On the other hand, understanding the effect of water on the stone’s various forms will assist you in better comprehending its chemical composition and behavior pattern in different water-related situations.

Can Raw Bloodstone Go in Water?

Raw bloodstone is a stone that has yet to be enhanced, treated, or polished. Although bloodstone is almost water-resistant, prolonged immersion is not suggested. Because these raw forms have little or no polish and treatment, the stone is subjected to direct damage, making it much more fragile and prone to breaking.

Can Bloodstone Crystal Go in Water?

While immersing your bloodstone crystal in water for a short time is generally okay, doing so for an extended period may result in cracks or breaks in this enthralling gemstone. Furthermore, water can remove the coating that gives bloodstone crystals their gleaming appearance and harm their coloration.

How Long Can Bloodstone Go in the Water?

The most effective way to clean your bloodstone is to wipe it down with a moist cloth after wearing it. For that, you may use a wet cloth. However, if your gemstone is extremely dirty, submerge it in water for a few minutes. When finished, wipe away the dirt and excess water with a soft cloth and set it aside to dry.

Can Bloodstone Go in the Water To Cleanse?

We don’t recommend long hours of submersion in the case of bloodstone as it may degrade its overall aesthetic appearance. How about we tell you some methods to charge your bloodstone without dipping it in the water?

  • Placing your Bloodstone on a big piece of quartz effectively cleanses it and removes harmful energy build-up.
  • Another effective way is to bury your stone in brown rice, which is very effective in safely removing negative energy.
  • Leave it exposed to the full moon’s light for a whole night to activate your bloodstone.

Also See: Can Garnet Go in Water


Bloodstones have a mysterious allure – but it takes more than their visual beauty to ensure they stay with you for years. It’s no secret that bloodstones are “water babies,” so understanding and taking care of your gem is essential if you want them in top condition!

Now that this blog has given insight into what caring looks like, we’d love to know: do you feel ready to keep those glistening little gems safe? Do share your thoughts in the comments section. 


What are the other ways to take care of bloodstone jewelry?

Maintaining the luster of your bloodstone jewelry is simple with a few easy tips. Let’s take a look:

– Avoid putting your bloodstone in direct sunlight or a sweltering area, as this may end up causing your stone to lose its color or fracture.
– A strict no to using ultrasonic or steam cleaners on bloodstones.
– If you’re having trouble cleaning your piece, we recommend taking it to a professional who can wash it without damaging it.

What is the best way to preserve your bloodstone jewelry?

To store your bloodstone safely, put it in a cloth bag and keep it away from your other gemstone jewelry in a cool, dark place to avoid scratches or cracks.

Can you go to a swimming pool wearing a piece of bloodstone jewelry?

Wearing gemstone jewelry of any kind is not a good idea in chlorinated swimming pools, and bloodstone is no exception. Chlorine is a strong alkali chemical that will erode your bloodstone accessories, making them appear fragile and dull.


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