December Birthstone – Color, Meaning, Lucky Gemstones, and Crystals

December Birthstone (Birthstone for Dec Month) - Color, Meaning, Lucky Gemstones, and Crystals

Ah, December…it’s that special time of year when our thoughts turn to festivity, family, and finding the perfect gift. If you’re looking for something genuinely unique—and especially meaningful—for a loved one born in this special month, you might want to consider exploring December birthstones. 

Birthstones can be beautiful gems or crystals representing certain qualities attributed to the corresponding month. In today’s blog post, we’ll look at December gems, including their colors and meaning, as well as some lucky crystals associated with them! 

So grab a cup of cocoa, get comfy by the fire of your choice, and learn about these delightful December stones!

What is the Traditional Birthstone for December?

Turquoise has been the birthstone of December for centuries and is thought to hold significant healing powers for those born in the colder winter months. According to ancient lore, turquoise has brightening and enlightening effects on a December-born person’s life. 

Additionally, people wearing turquoise can expect increased luck and prosperity as they move through their lives. In traditional European culture, turquoise gemstones were widely believed to protect from physical harm and ailments, especially dangerous falls (which posed a particular risk in the olden days). 

Today, turquoise birthstones retain such symbols of spirituality and power – perfect for those powerhouses December people!

What is the Color of December’s Birthstone?

December has been assigned a magnificent shade of blue as its birthstone color, providing December babies with unique gemstone jewelry

December’s official birthstones are Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, and Tanzanite – all ranging in different tones of blue. Turquoise is known for its clear yet vibrant hue of blue that verges on the green spectrum. On the other end, Lapis Lazuli is steeped in historical traditions from Ancient Egypt and comes in an intense royal-to-navy blue color. 

In between lies December’s modern birthstone – Tanzanite, known for being a rare violet-blue color with hints of purple and gray at first glance. 

December celebrates all these shades of blue through its stone designations, celebrating December babies with extraordinary colored stones!

What are the Two Birthstones for December?

You probably already know there is a list of birthstones for each month, but did you realize that occasionally there are two or even three? With just a few weeks away from the much-awaited winter solstice, this is the perfect time to find out the two birthstones associated with those born in December. 

Let’s go over them one by one.

Turquoise (1st Dec – 21st Dec): Meaning & Who Should Wear It

The ancient Egyptians believed that turquoise was a sign of power and glory – making it an ideal Sagittarius birthstone. This mesmerizing gemstone carries excellent meaning as it stands for wisdom, understanding, happiness, courage, friendship, and protection. Turquoise helps achieve success in business-related matters and provides support during difficult times. 

Its powerful healing properties bring emotional balance and make you more empathetic toward others. Sagittarians born between the 1st and 21st of December must wear a turquoise gemstone to enhance their positive energy and focus on goals.

Lapis Lazuli (22nd Dec – 31st Dec): Meaning & Who Should Wear It

The modern December birthstone is Lapis Lazuli which carries the energies related to self-expression, communication, trustworthiness, and determination. The distinctive blue color reflects the vast knowledge and insight you can gain by wearing this stone. 

Lapis allows us to find our true purpose by providing spiritual guidance on our life journey. The healing powers of the Capricorn birthstone provide relief from physical pain as well as mental stress caused by everyday life challenges faced by individuals born between the 22nd to 31st of December. Wearing this magical stone will help restore your inner peace and strength while attracting abundance in all aspects of your life!

Also See: Birthstone for November Month

Crystals for December Born

Crystals are extremely powerful and advantageous tools for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. There are several crystals specifically for December-born individuals that can significantly benefit them in their day-to-day lives.

Let’s look at some of the best December crystals:


Rubellite is a powerful stone originating from India and is specifically beneficial for those born in December. It helps the individual let go of all negative emotions and thoughts holding them back from reaching their fullest potential—perfect for anyone looking for a boost of confidence! 

This crystal also encourages creativity and optimism, making it an ideal choice for any December native looking to realize their dreams.


The chrysoprase crystal is known as the “stone of grace,” as it can transform life circumstances into something more positive. Its healing properties bring balance and harmony while calming anxiety or stress, helping those born in December stay focused on their goals without fear of failure. This stone also has strong protective qualities, safeguarding its wearer against negativity and harm.


This royal purple crystal is said to open up intuition while bringing clarity and understanding, allowing us to make decisions confidently. Amethyst’s spiritual properties help its wearer break away from self-limiting beliefs, paving a path toward spiritual growth and success! 

It also has significant balancing effects on the mind, which reduces mental clutter so one can remain clear-minded when making difficult decisions or tackling challenging tasks—perfect for any December native wanting to improve themselves spiritually!


Agate brings stability and security into one’s life; this makes it an ideal choice for those who need reassurance about their choices or want guidance on their journey through life. Agate helps one accept change, which can be difficult during times of uncertainty; it also helps promote inner peace by providing emotional strength during difficult periods. 

The energy agate provides allows us to stay grounded while manifesting positive changes in our lives—a must-have crystal for every December native!


Onyx symbolizes courage, as it gives one strength when they need it most; it also promotes self-empowerment while encouraging resilience against adversity. The black stone protects the wearer from outside forces, allowing them to live with complete confidence that no harm will come their way—especially useful for anyone born in December who may experience moments of doubt or insecurity! 

Onyx can also restore lost energy within its user by stimulating enthusiasm when needed most—a mighty crystal, if ever there was one!


Sodalite is often referred to as the “stone of intuition.” This bright blue crystal radiates calmness while promoting spiritual enlightenment. Sodalite gives clarity and insight into oneself, allowing its wearer to break down barriers that stop them from achieving success—great news for any creative-minded individual born in December who might feel stuck expressing themselves artistically! 

Sodalite also boosts self-esteem while increasing motivation, which makes it an excellent ally when trying to overcome obstacles, whether they be physical or mental.


Obsidian is revered as a truth seeker’s stone because it encourages one to face reality, no matter how unpleasant it may be—ideal for anyone who needs courage when faced with difficult decisions or unexpected turns in fate! This dark, glassy mineral assists with banishing fears related to financial matters, thus allowing its wearer to make smart investments—another boon if you were lucky enough to be born under this sign! 

As such, obsidian provides invaluable protection from negative energies while guiding us toward mental and financial stability—benefits that are not only exclusive but especially useful if you are a December native! 


Aventurine is known as the “stone of luck” due to its ability to attract wealth and abundance by opening up opportunities you may have otherwise missed due to a lack of foresight or knowledge—who doesn’t love stumbling upon great deals, right? 

Aventurine has got you covered when it comes to beating the blues. Not only does it keep out negative vibes, but its bright energy is guaranteed to bring a smile during those moments of feeling down in the dumps! This would be great news if you were born in December. 


Apatite contains profound healing energies beneficial for mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, among others, making it an invaluable addition to anyone seeking emotional balance. 

Apatite not only stimulates creativity by pushing boundaries and bringing new perspectives but also increases ambition and drive to succeed, which is why it is known as “the achiever’s stone.” If society’s expectations leave you feeling uninspired, apatite can help you open up to new ideas and free thinking, which could lead to more success. 


Known as the ‘transformer’ stone, malachite is believed to be a powerful aid in helping one deal with change. Ancient Egyptians and Native Americans used malachite for centuries to help purify the body, mind, and spirit. Malachite is said to be the perfect choice for a birthstone alternative for the December babies born under the sign of Sagittarius.

Also See: Birthstone for January Month

December Birthstone Alternatives: Other Lucky Gems

Are you a December-born looking for the perfect alternative birthstone to give your jewelry wardrobe an aesthetic yet meaningful upgrade? Look no further! With their array of captivating colors and symbolic meanings, these December birthstone alternatives will bring their wearer a whole new layer of luck and protection.

Blue Topaz

With its vibrant blue hue, blue topaz is the perfect gem to kick off this list! This December stone symbolizes long life, health, and happiness – making it great for protecting its wearers from adversity. Additionally, the color blue is known to calm down anxious feelings, which can be helpful during stressful times in life.


Not as widely recognized as some other gems on this list, tanzanite has just as much to offer. This stone helps those born in December find inner peace and balance in their lives while keeping them grounded at the same time. It also radiates energy that promotes self-confidence in its wearer – a great way to start the new year!

Blue Zircon

As one of the most underrated gems out there, blue zircon offers incredible protection against all kinds of harm or danger. Its deep ocean color gives it an extra touch of mystery and beauty, making it stand out from other alternatives on this list. Blue zircon also connects with natural elements like water and earth, which can help provide emotional stability for December folks.

Blue Sapphire

The quintessential stone of wisdom and royalty makes it another excellent choice for those born in December. No wonder why this gem has been around since ancient times! Known for bestowing courage upon those who wear it, Blue sapphire gives its wearer the strength they need to tackle any challenges or obstacles they face head-on without fear.

Blue Spinel

Last but certainly not least, blue spinel rounds up our list of lucky gems for December-borns with great panache! Popular among royalty throughout history due to its incredible hardiness, this gem provides spiritual guidance when things get tough – which may come in handy during trying times such as these! Plus, blue spinel emits a soft sparkle that’s sure to make any piece shine brighter than ever before!


What are some facts about December’s birthstone?

Turquoise is the traditional birthstone of December and has a vibrant, bright blue appearance with occasional flecks of green or yellow. It is one of the oldest known gemstones, with its use stretching back centuries to ancient Egypt, China, Iran, and Tibet. Turquoise signifies luck as well as wealth and success in many cultures.

This beautiful gemstone is composed chiefly of hydrated copper aluminum phosphate and can be found in various shades, from light to dark blues and greens. It usually has a waxy luster when polished and is often used for jewelry making due to its affordability. Many Native American cultures honor turquoise as a sacred stone that brings strength, power, and good fortune.

What is the most valuable December birthstone?

Tanzanite is the most valuable December birthstone due to its rarity. It has a beautiful blue-purple hue that symbolizes peacefulness, spirituality, creativity, and success. This stone can be found in Tanzania, hence its name.

What is the original December birthstone?

According to ancient Hebrew tradition, turquoise was originally recognized as the official gemstone for those born in December. This stone had held considerable value since prehistoric times when Ancient Egyptians used it to adorn tombs and other artifacts. Turquoise was also seen as a protective talisman by many cultures worldwide, including Native Americans and Tibetans, who wore it as amulets against evil spirits.

The popularity of turquoise eventually waned, however, in favor of other gems such as lapis lazuli and zircon. Zircon became particularly popular among European royalty during the 16th century due to its outstanding durability, brilliance, and wide array of colors ranging from yellow to green and red. Today blue zircon continues to reign supreme among all December’s birthstones due to its exquisite coloration and hardy nature, making it a perfect choice for jewelry pieces that will last forever!

Do You Have a Favorite December Birthstone?

Now that you know all there is to about December birthstones, it’s time for you to make a decision! Do you want to go with the traditional route and stick with turquoise or lapis lazuli? 

Or do you want to be unique and choose something different, like tanzanite? No matter your choice, we hope this article helped your decision-making process. 

Wondering which gemstone to gift your December-born friend? Drop us a line with any questions, and show off your birth-month savvy in the comments!


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