Turquoise Gemstone – Know About Its Color, Price, Benefits & More

Turquoise Gemstone - Know About Its Color, Price, Benefits and More

With a history dating back over 6,000 years, turquoise is one of the world’s oldest gemstones. It has been treasured for its stunning blue color and is used to decorate everything from jewelry to clothing to home décor. 

But how much do you really know about this intriguing gem? In this post, we’ll explore the meaning, price, colors, and benefits of turquoise.

Perhaps by the time you reach the end of this article, you might just be tempted to add a piece to your shopping cart! So sit back and get ready to learn all about turquoise!

What is a Turquoise Gemstone: Symbolism, History, & Origin

Turquoise, a hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminum, is an opaque blue to green mineral.  It is rare and has been prized among the list of green gemstones and blue ornamental stones for thousands of years, owing to its unique color.

Turquoise is named by the French term for “Turkish,” which describes the country that first introduced the mineral to Europe. According to legend, the Persians were the first to employ this gemstone ornately.

The United States, Mexico, China, Chile, Iran, and Tibet are just a few places on Earth that are home to turquoise deposits. The finest quality turquoise comes from Persia and is known as “Persian turquoise.”

How is the Turquoise Gemstone Formed: Colors & Properties

A semi-precious stone coveted for ages by civilizations in every corner of the globe, turquoise has a long history of cultural significance. It is most commonly associated with the color blue, but turquoise may really span a broad spectrum, from pale blue to greenish-blue to yellowish-green. The presence of trace elements like copper, iron, and zinc gives turquoise its array of hues.

Turquoise is typically found in arid regions, as it forms from the weathering of copper-bearing rocks. Over time, water seeps into these rocks and reacts with the copper to form turquoise. The stone is then slowly eroded from the rock and carried away by wind or water.

Turquoise is a delicate stone regularly subjected to treatment to increase its hardness and endurance. It can also be dyed to enhance its color. 

Other notable physical properties of turquoise are as follows:

  • Mohs hardness: 5 to 6
  • Specific gravity: 2.60 to 2.90
  • Refractive index: 1.61 to 1.65
  • Birefringence: 0.008
  • Dispersion: 0.018
  • Chemical composition: CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8*4H2O
  • Crystal system: Triclinic

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Turquoise Gemstone Price Range: Know the Value

If you’re shopping for turquoise rings, it’s important to know the value of the stone. The price of turquoise can range widely, depending on the stone’s quality. Turquoise is graded on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the lowest quality and 10 being the highest. The price of turquoise increases as the quality gets better.

The best turquoise is rare and has a deep blue color with a greenish tint. This type of turquoise is typically found in Iran and is very valuable. It can cost you anywhere from $500 to $5,000 per carat.

The most common type of turquoise is turquoise which has a greenish tint. This type of turquoise is found in the United States and is not as valuable as Iranian turquoise. It typically sells for $20 to $200 per carat.

Turquoise, with a light blue color, is also common in the United States. This type of turquoise is not as valuable as the other two types. It typically sells for $5 to $100 per carat.

Some Benefits of Wearing and Owning Turquoise Gemstone

Regarding the astrological benefits of turquoise, we can go ravishingly deep into the details. But, for the sake of keeping things short and sweet, we’ll just mention a few of the more general benefits that this astrological gemstone provides.

For one, turquoise is known to promote self-realization. It helps us to see ourselves more clearly and to understand our true nature and purpose in life. In other words, it’s a gemstone that can help us to find our true identity.

Another astrological benefit of turquoise is that it promotes inner peace and calm. If you’re someone who’s constantly feeling anxious or stressed, wearing or carrying a piece of turquoise can help you to feel more relaxed and at ease.

Lastly, turquoise is also believed to bring good luck and fortune. So, if you’re looking for a little extra boost of luck in your life, consider adding turquoise gemstone to your collection.

Maintaining Your Turquoise Gemstone Jewelry: Helpful Tips

Worried about taking care of your turquoise ring that you recently bought? Don’t be!  With a few simple tips, you can keep your turquoise jewelry looking as good as new. 

  • Storing your turquoise jewelry in a cool, dry environment is essential.
  • Avoid exposing your turquoise to harsh chemicals or cleaning solutions.
  • Clean your turquoise jewelry with a moist cloth, being careful not to scratch the stones.
  • Have your turquoise gems professionally cleaned and serviced on a regular basis.
  • To protect your turquoise jewelry, you should take it off before doing any kind of manual labor, including gardening or cooking.

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Buying Guidance for Turquoise Gemstone

When it comes to buying turquoise gemstones, there are a few things you need to keep in mind in order to get the best value for your money. Here are some tips:

1. Know the Different Types of Turquoise

Mainly, there are three different types of turquoise: natural, stabilized, and reconstituted. Natural turquoise is the most valuable since it is the rarest. Stabilized turquoise has been treated with chemicals to make it more durable, while reconstituted turquoise is made from lower quality pieces that have been crushed and reformed into a new stone.

2. Consider the Quality of the Stone

When evaluating the quality of a turquoise gemstone, look at its color, clarity, and matrix (the veins or webbing running through the stone). As the intensity of the blue increases, so does the quality standard. The less veining or webbing, the better. And finally, the more translucent the stone, the higher the quality.

3. Decide What Shape You Want

Turquoise gemstones come in various shapes, from round cabochons to more unusual shapes like freeform nuggets. Your personal preference need to guide the selection of the shape you go with.

4. Determine the Size You Need

Your intended use should determine the size of the turquoise gemstone you choose. For example, if you want to use it for gemstone jewelry, you’ll need a smaller stone. But if you’re going to use it as a decoration, you can choose a larger stone.

5. Ask About Treatment and Care

Turquoise gemstones can be treated with chemicals to make them more durable, but this also decreases their value. If you’re concerned about the treatment of your stone, be sure to ask the seller about it. You should also find out how to care for the stone so that it will retain its beauty.

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Q. 1. How rare is the turquoise gemstone?

Turquoise is not as rare as some other precious stones, but it is still considered a semi-precious stone.

Q. 2. Who can wear turquoise gemstone?

Turquoise is said to be beneficial for everyone, but it is especially good for those who are creative, expressive, or spiritual.

Q. 3. What is the gemstone that looks like turquoise?

The most common gemstone that is often confused for turquoise is chrysocolla. Chrysocolla is much less valuable than turquoise, but it can be difficult to tell the two apart without a trained eye.

Up for a Turquoise Gemstone?

Turquoise is a captivating gemstone with many fascinating properties. It has been prized for centuries as both an elegant stone and a popular cultural symbol, but its renaissance continues even today!

It’s not surprising it quickly became popularized as an heirloom stone, and now you can find them at all price points. The next time you’re looking for a bold yet buzz-worthy colored gemstone–check out turquoise!

We hope by now you are ready to add some turquoise glory to your wardrobe. Let us know in the comments!


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