September Birthstone – Color, Meaning, Lucky Gemstones, and Crystals

September Birthstone (Birthstones for September Month)

Calling all September babies! Is it your birth month already? Let’s get to know the luckiest birthstone for you that brings you positive vibes and energy throughout the year. 

If you were born in September, you might believe your birthstone is sapphire. But did you know many other beautiful gems and crystals are associated with this special month? 

With September birthdays and gemstone lovers aplenty, it’s easy to get confused about which stone best suits you. Don’t worry – let us illuminate the secret meanings of each beautiful gemstone! Unlock your inner power with these lucky treasures from Mother Nature – see what unique energies they can bring into your life!

So whether you’re looking for trinkets with a special meaning or crystals with healing energy, there are some excellent September birthstones that you must discover. 

Let’s dig out!

What is the Birthstone for September?

When you think of birthstones and birth month gemstones, September’s birthstone might come to mind since it is the month of pleasant weather. The birthstone of September is the sapphire, a gem celebrated for centuries due to its majestic blue hue and prized reputation as an eternal symbol of loyalty, trust, and profound love. 

Sapphires can be found in many shades, including white, orange, pink, and green, but none more enchanting than the original blue sapphire. Sapphire jewelry is the perfect way to show someone born in September that you care, with pieces ranging from engagement rings to necklaces to earrings. 

Quite frankly, who wouldn’t love a timeless birthstone like sapphire?

What is the Color of September’s Birthstone?

There’s nothing quite like having an authentic piece of jewelry that carries with it its significance each month, and what better than September’s birthstone to be your monthly muse? 

The color of September’s stone, sapphire, is the hue of royalty, and what an amazing representation of what the month of September stands for! You can truly find all kinds of shades within the sapphire range – spanning from deep blues to darker shades or light baby blues – there are so many variations one could opt for when picking out genuine gemstone jewelry

Looking into the depths of sapphire can feel like gazing into eternity, in part because of its spectacular blue hue. But what is it that gives this unique gem its mesmerizing color? Surprisingly enough, this precious stone gets its various shades from a combination of different elements – trace amounts of iron, chromium, and even titanium are responsible for producing the mesmerizing blues and violets we see in raw sapphires. 

What’s more, depending on the origin and variety of the gem, other rare elements can be involved too! From its fascinating chemistry to its stunning shades – looking at this gorgeous September birthstone really is a rare pleasure.

What are the Two Birthstones for September?

Born in September? You’ve been blessed with the best of both worlds! 

Reap all that sapphire and lapis lazuli have to offer according to your zodiac sign. Get ready for an enriching journey as you explore these two magnificent September gemstones’ significance.

Sapphire (1st Sep -22nd Sep): Meaning & Who Should Wear It

The deep blue hue of sapphire has been associated with royalty, romance, and peaceful life for centuries. Though it is believed to bring good luck and protection to anyone wearing it, sapphires connected to Virgos, born between the 1st and 22nd of September, are particularly powerful. 

As a Virgo birthstone, it brings clarity and focus to the wearer’s mind, aiding them in their journey toward knowledge and understanding. In addition, this stone is known for its calming properties, which help those born in September be more relaxed and content in their lives.

Lapis Lazuli (23rd Sep-30th Sep): Meaning & Who Should Wear It

The lapis lazuli gemstone offers healing powers as well as protection from negative energy. When worn by someone born at the end of September, i.e., 23rd to the 30th, it symbolizes strength, courage, and hope. This Libra birthstone helps promote clear communication while providing insight into difficult situations. 

It encourages one to look beyond what they perceive rationally, helping them explore spiritual possibilities they may not have considered before. The stone also promotes honesty, truthfulness, and harmony between people when worn as jewelry or placed around a room as decoration!

Also See: Birthstone for August Month

Crystals for September Born

If you were born in September, then this special selection of crystals is a must-have addition to your everyday carry. Not only will these crystals bring out your best self, but they also make great gifts for those precious September-born friends and family.

Whether you’re looking to attract good luck or just feeling down, these September crystals will surely give you the spiritual boost you need.

Keep reading to learn all about the benefits of having these fantastic stones in your possession!

Red Jasper

An outstanding energy booster, red jasper is an ideal crystal for promoting physical and emotional well-being. It helps eliminate stress and anxiety with its calming vibes while giving an extra boost of confidence when necessary. Whether it’s getting through demanding work tasks or finding inner strength during tough times, red jasper provides a strong foundation of support. It’s also known as “the Stone of Endurance” due to its ability to help those celebrating their birthdays in September stay on track with goals and dreams.


Wearing amazonite brings out the most positive aspects of being a September-born — creativity, and passion! Known as “The Stone of Courage,” this powerful stone encourages us to take risks confidently by connecting us back with our life purpose. On a physical level, amazonite offers relief from muscle tension and cramps while helping reduce inflammation throughout the body.

Light Brown Agate

This protective stone is all about grounding us back into reality so we can stay focused and productive despite any struggles that come our way. Light brown agate helps restore hope when needed while gently nudging us toward our highest potential in life — both mentally and spiritually speaking. September-borns who need extra courage when facing their fears should definitely keep this crystal close by!


Known as “The Stone of Patience,” aragonite is perfect for those moments when we just need time away from the busyness of daily life. Its soothing energies provide clarity of mind along with inner peace so the September natives can make decisions wisely without getting overwhelmed by chaotic emotions or external influences. It also encourages healthy sleeping patterns, especially when trying times roll around!


This beautiful green crystal has some serious healing abilities! September folks who suffer from depression or lack self-confidence will benefit immensely from its gentle yet powerful vibrations that open pathways toward positive thinking and personal growth. Chrysolite also helps prevent burnout which can cripple our productivity if left unchecked — making it an essential piece of support whenever challenging tasks take center stage in our lives!


For generations, this black gemstone has been used as protection against negative energy, whether it’s coming from our environment or even within ourselves, thanks to its strong absorbing capabilities that act like a shield against any harm or harmful thoughts or actions towards oneself or others. It’s especially beneficial for those born in September who suffer from self-doubt since onyx encourages willpower while dispelling fear alongside other worries related to success and relationships alike.


A pinkish-colored gemstone, kunzite is perfect for bringing romantic love into all aspects of life! It boosts feelings of joy within relationships, whether platonic friendships or intimate partnerships. Kunzite opens up doors towards a greater connection with others, making it an ideal companion for the September babies seeking warmth and understanding during difficult times.

Yellow Agate

Last but not least is yellow agate – known as “The Stone of Optimism” due to its uplifting energies that improve moods even on the gloomiest days! When feeling lost in life, yellow agate brings clarity through enhanced communication abilities allowing us to express ourselves more clearly while lessening confusion along with mental blocks along the way. As far as September crystals go, yellow agate takes the home gold medal in terms of how beneficial it is — inside and out!

Also See: Birthstone for January Month

September Birthstone Alternatives: Other Lucky Gems

Dear September borns, you’re in luck! You have the perfect opportunity to expand your birthstone options beyond the traditional birthstone. September birthstone alternatives are not just lucky but also interesting and stylish. 

So, if you want to switch things up, here are some of the best September birthstone alternatives for you to choose from:

Red Carnelian

Adorned with shades of red and yellow, this September gem is believed to bring good fortune and attract success. Its energy also helps overcome procrastination and stimulate creativity. It is said that wearing red carnelian improves focus and concentration, helping one achieve their goals. So if you’re looking for a powerful lucky stone for a September-born, red carnelian should be at the top of your list!

Black Pearl

Wanna bring some swagger to the party? The black pearl is precisely what you need! This is an excellent choice for those who like dark gems. With its unique black glow, this gem has been known to bring courage and strength to its wearer. Believed to be a symbol of protection and security, this September stone was also once thought to protect against evil spirits. 


Struggling to find balance in life? Unlock the peace of mind you deserve with citrine! A beautiful yellow-orange-hued gemstone found in nature, many astrologers consider citrine one of the best September gems because it brings harmony into one’s life. It is often believed that wearing citrine can help improve relationships with others and make you more compassionate and understanding. 

Yellow Sapphire

Known as Pukhraj in Hindi, yellow sapphire carries immense importance in astrology due to its color and ability to absorb cosmic energy from the sun. It’s said that wearing yellow sapphire can bring wealth and prosperity into one’s life, along with mental clarity and peace. Therefore yellow sapphire would be an ideal pick for anyone who wants a gemstone for September born that brings good luck and fortune as well!


This lovely gem comes in a wide array of colors, such as blue, green, orange, or red, making it a very versatile choice when picking out a new birthstone alternative for September-born people. Zircon is often associated with abundance and fertility, which makes it an excellent gem for creativity and positive thinking too! So let zircon open up unlimited possibilities in your life today!


If simplicity is more your style, then jet stone may be just what you need! Thought to help eliminate negative energies from within one’s life while promoting balance and tranquility, the jet has long been revered as a form of protection against any kind of physical danger or spiritual attack on oneself. So if safety and security are important factors when selecting your new September birthstone alternative, then you should definitely give the jet stone some serious thought!

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What are some unknown facts about September’s birthstone?

Did you know that sapphire is also the traditional gift for the 45th wedding anniversary? This stunning gemstone comes in a range of colors, from classic blue to more exotic shades like orange and yellow. The blue variety is prevalent and is commonly found in jewelry stores.

Fun fact: some sapphires are even “star” stones – their surface contains tiny reflective fibers that create a star-like pattern! Some cultures believe sapphires can bring luck when worn as jewelry and help protect against negative energy. Sapphires are known for their hardness and durability, meaning they can last a lifetime!

What is the best stone for September-born?

There is no better option for those born in September than the beautiful sapphire. Known for their deep blue hue, sapphires have long been considered a symbol of faithfulness and sincerity – making them perfect for gemstone engagement rings or eternity bands. When placed nearby, their spiritual energy heals people suffering from mental or physical ailments.

In addition, sapphires are one of the hardest stones on earth – making them highly resistant to scratches or chips when worn for everyday activities. Beyond its physical properties, many believe that wearing a sapphire brings luck in terms of wealth, health, and success – making it an ideal stone for September-born individuals!

Is September birthstone rare?

The beauty of sapphires makes them one of the most sought-after gemstones in jewelry today, but they are not particularly rare compared to other gemstones such as diamonds or rubies. Though they can be found worldwide, including Sri Lanka, India, Cambodia, and Madagascar – each country may produce different variations in shade or hue depending on which type of natural elements were present during formation. Therefore, some colors may appear more unique than others giving off an air of rarity even though they’re not necessarily scarce items overall.

Additionally, due to their durability, many vintage pieces feature these beautiful gems with varying cuts, but increasing popularity may make certain colors more difficult to find depending on where you look. So, if you’re looking for something more unique, seeking an expert opinion would definitely help!

How About a September Birthstone? Which One Did You Choose?

If you were born in September, you have two birthstones to choose from – Sapphire and Lapis Lazuli. If you can’t decide which is your favorite, then feel free to accessorize with both! 

As for crystals, there are a few that are great for people born in September. Yellow agate is perfect for opening communication channels and promoting honest dialogues. Citrine helps align all of your relationships, providing balance and harmony. And last but not least, carnelian connects us with our higher selves and the Divine realm – perfect for when we need some guidance from above. 

So what will it be? A sapphire? Lapis lazuli? Or something else entirely? What’s your favorite September birthstone? Tell us in the comments below!


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