August Birthstone – Color, Meaning, Lucky Gemstones, and Crystals

August Birthstone (Birthstone for August)- Color, Meaning, Lucky Gemstones, and Crystals

August doesn’t only mean the start of a new school year, grand cool down from August’s heat waves, or the last weeks of summer vacation. It’s also a powerful month to connect with some truly magical birthstones that all have their individual meaning and powers. From peridot to sardonyx, get ready to jump deep into the fascinating world of August birthstones! 

Here you will find an overview of gorgeous colors, special meanings, and unique qualities these August gems offer us each year as they remain synonymous with their corresponding zodiac signs – Leo and Virgo.

With this in mind, let’s find out why it pays off to be born in August, who we should really thank for these lucky stones and how wearing them can bring good fortune and health.

Ready? Let’s go!

What is the Birthstone for August?

August is one of those months that you may or may not think about, right? Well, let me fill you in on some interesting trivia. If someone you know was born in August, then sardonyx might just be the perfect gift for them! Because sardonyx is the traditional birthstone for August. 

It’s an exquisite combination of carnelian and sard with alternating layers of red and sard that have left many spellbound. Having birthstones for every month has become a tradition to celebrate loved ones who were born during distinct periods. 

So if you had been scratching your head about what the traditional August birthstone is, now you know—it’s sardonyx!

But don’t forget there is one more August birthstone! Those with an August birthday can choose between peridot or sardonyx as their gem.

Well, if you haven’t heard before, peridot is the modern birthstone for those lucky enough to have an August birthday! But that’s not all; peridot also has a unique story – it was said to be formed from many years of the lava from volcanoes cooling and crystallizing, becoming peridot. 

Sounds pretty good, right? 

So, peridot or sardonyx? You decide!

What is the Color of August’s Birthstone?

The Color of August’s Birthstone is a beautiful and vibrant green! This gemstone for August, known as the Peridot, is believed to symbolize strength and good fortune and is said to bring healing powers. This stunning gem has been around since antiquity and was one of the favorites of Cleopatra! 

Peridots come in various shades ranging from pale yellowish-green to olive green. They are typically found in Arizona or Hawaii but can be sourced from other countries such as Pakistan and China. 

Sardonyx, August’s second birthstone, has a warm, exotic hue. It is mainly seen in its dark reddish-brown color with white or black sard markings throughout. Although sardonyx’s color can range from light red to darker tones, the unique sard markings remain the same, providing a beautiful contrast against the deep base color. This semi-precious gemstone is the perfect choice for those looking for something special and unique in an August birthstone. 

So why not treat yourself to a piece of healing gemstone jewelry made of peridot or sardonyx? Show off your style with the vibrant colors of the pretty August birthstones!

What are the Three Birthstones for August?

August is a special month, as it contains three beautiful birthstones based on your birthdates: Sardonyx, Peridot, and Spinel. These gems are believed to carry immense positive power for those born in August. But which stone should you go for? 

Let’s explore the meaning of each August stone and find out who should wear what.

Sardonyx (1st August -22nd August): Meaning & Who Should Wear It

This gemstone is known to bring joy and courage to its wearer. It also increases communication skills, empathy, and creativity. So, if you were born between the 1st -22nd of August, this Leo birthstone is your lucky charm! Wearing it will help build stronger relationships around you and bring peace into your life.

Peridot (1st August – 31st August): Meaning & Who Should Wear It

Peridot symbolizes freshness, growth, and well-being in life. This August birthstone will give you the strength to turn negative energy into something more constructive– making it beneficial for all the Virgo and Leo zodiac folks born between 1st-31st August! If worn frequently, it may also bring clarity about one’s true purpose in life.

Spinel (23rd August – 31st August): Meaning & Who Should Wear It

The oh-so-popular spinel has been around since ancient times and is known for its sparkling brilliance. It comes in a variety of colors such as pink, purple, red, blue, etc., making it the perfect alternative birthstone for August-borns who may not particularly like the light greenish hue of peridot. 

Spinel is said to bring abundance and prosperity if worn by an August baby! Those born between the 23rd-31st of August should wear a spinel as their lucky charm; this Virgo birthstone will help them show greater leadership skills while remaining grounded at the same time!

Also See: Birthstone for July Month

Crystals for August Born

August’s lucky stars bring a special blessing to those born in the great summer month. But if you want to take it one step further and ensure that your life is filled with love, peace, and harmony – then crystals are the answer! 

Crystals for August-borns are some of the most powerful items in the world of healing and are known to bring balance and positivity into their lives. 

So, let’s look at some of the best crystals for August-borns and how they can empower them to live extraordinary lives.


The Amazonite crystal is a beautiful green stone that is said to help those born in August express themselves more efficiently while also allowing them to remain true to themselves. It also helps build inner courage and confidence to live the best life possible. On top of all that, it has healing properties that help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

Rose Quartz

The rose quartz crystal is one of the most well-known crystals for August-borns as it helps encourage self-love as well as unconditional love toward others. This powerful crystal encourages hope and understanding so that people can embrace every aspect of their life without judgment. 

It also brings acceptance and genuine happiness into one’s heart – leaving behind feelings of loneliness or sadness, which might be common amongst August-borns due to their sensitive nature.

Tiger’s Eye

The Tiger’s Eye is known as a protective stone ideal for the August natives due to its ability to ward off any negative energy or vibes coming from outside sources. It has intense grounding energies, which helps one focus on achieving their goals instead of getting distracted by things around them. 

On top of all this, it encourages clarity and insight so one can have better self-understanding – something many August-borns may struggle with at times due to their too-analytical mindsets, which makes them overthink often.

Moss Agate

The Moss Agate crystal is known as ‘the gardener’s stone’ because it has powerful growth energies, making it an ideal choice for the August-borns who need strength to move forward in their lives without fear or hesitation. 

It helps bring abundance into all aspects of life, including mental stability, physical health, emotional well-being, creative ideas, etc., ensuring they maintain a proper balance between all these areas while still encouraging progress on each front without feeling overwhelmed or overburdened by any particular area.


Chrysocolla is said to be hugely beneficial for August babies since it brings about profound wisdom when used regularly, along with its calming energies. It helps solve mental conflicts related to relationships or other aspects of life where emotions play a significant role, thus leading toward overall contentment & happiness within oneself. 

Additionally, it aids in improving communication skills by helping one develop patience, humility & understanding, enabling better conversations & healthy relationships.


Rhodochrosite is a mighty pink crystal used centuries ago by shamans & mystics alike. For those born in august, it acts as a vital source of emotional support, guided meditation, creativity & intuition, especially during tough times when nothing seems right. 

Moreover, its compassionate energies further help heal heartaches & anxieties, helping pave the way toward positive transformation within oneself.

Also See: Birthstone for February Month

August Birthstone Alternatives: Other Lucky Gems

Do you have a friend celebrating their birthday in August and looking for an alternative birthstone? August’s birthstone is the peridot, but there are a lot of other beautiful and lucky gems out there that can be perfect alternatives! From spinel to topaz, golden beryl to zircon, these gems are not only stunningly beautiful, but they also come with lots of benefits. 

Let us take a closer look at the different August birthstone alternatives available to help your special someone pick the perfect one. 


Carnelian is known as a “confidence booster” among birthstones due to its ability to increase self-esteem in an individual. It helps reveal inner strength by improving focus and giving the wearer a sense of security.


This celestial gemstone has been regarded as a symbol of strength and power for centuries now. As an alternative birthstone for August, both yellow and blue topaz benefit in bringing wisdom, confidence, and luck into the wearer’s life. It also carries the energy of friendship, which can be great for couples born in this month!

Golden Beryl (Heliodor)

A lesser-known yet very powerful yellow gemstone many associates with royalty! It can be great for those born in August as its rich yellow color resonates with success and wealth. Additionally, the heliodor is believed to increase creativity when kept close by – the perfect birthday gift for your artistic friends! 


Last but certainly not least on our list, this gem brings clarity to its wearer, especially concerning decision-making! Zircon is best known for its energizing properties – it could also give your special someone more motivation than ever before if worn on their birthday or even otherwise!

Also See: Zodiac Signs Gems


What are some of the fun facts about the August birthstone?

Fun facts about the August birthstone include that Peridot is one of the few gemstones that come in only one color, a yellow-green. Additionally, peridot has been mined from an active volcano on Hawaii’s big island for centuries. It is also an ancient gemstone, as it was mentioned in Ancient Egyptian texts over three thousand years ago.

What is August’s birthstone used for?

August’s birthstone, Peridot, is thought to attract positivity and good luck and offer protection against negative energy. Many people use peridot to focus their energies and bring balance into their lives. Additionally, those born in August benefit from wearing peridot due to its powerful healing properties, which promote physical and emotional well-being.

Why does August have more than one birthstone?

August has three birthstones because of a disagreement between American and British jewelers in 1912 over what should be considered the official birthstone for August. The dispute made way for all three peridots, sardonyx, and spinel to be recognized as the official gems for the eighth month of the year – a unique distinction enjoyed by no other month!

Did You Pick Your Favorite August Birthstone?

So there you have it, everything you need to know about the birthstones of August. If you were born in this month, do you have a favorite? Or maybe you just love the color green and are drawn to peridot. 

Whatever your reasons for loving these birthstones, make sure to wear them with pride, knowing their rich history dates back thousands of years. 

Do you have any questions about August birthstones that we didn’t answer here? Let us know in the comments, and we’ll be happy to help out.


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