Everything About Yellow Sapphire Gemstone: Its Price, Color, Origin, and Benefits

Yellow Sapphire Gemstone - Know About Its Color, Price, Benefits and More

Would you like to add a splash of sunshine to your jewelry box? Why not consider a yellow sapphire gemstone? 

Whether looking for your next big purchase or simply window shopping, it’s important to have all the information on this fascinating gemstone. In addition to being eye-catching jewelry pieces, yellow sapphires also have several practical benefits. 

So sit back, relax, and let us take you on a tour of this dazzling yellow gem!

Fun Facts about Yellow Sapphires

Did you know that yellow sapphires are among the most coveted colored gems on the list of yellow gemstones? Despite being less well known than diamonds, emeralds, or rubies, these beautiful stones are actually quite popular. 

Here are some fun facts about yellow sapphires that you may not know.

  • Yellow sapphires are part of the corundum family of gemstones. This family also includes rubies and sapphires.
  • Sappheiros,’ the Greek word for blue, is where the name ‘sapphire’ originates.
  • Sapphires were once believed to have magical powers and were used as talismans to protect against evil.
  • Sapphire is the birthstone of September babies.
  • The biggest producer of yellow sapphire gemstones is Sri Lanka.
  • Yellow sapphires are usually heat-treated to enhance their color.

What Is a Yellow Sapphire Gemstone and Where Does It Come From

Yellow sapphires are one of the four colors of sapphires, and their rich golden hue makes them very valuable. Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and Australia are just few of the many places in the globe where you may find these treasures.

While yellow sapphires are not as well-known as some of the other colors of sapphire, they have a long history of usage in jewelry despite their lack of popularity. In fact, they were once more popular than diamonds! Historically, yellow sapphires were often given as gifts to express love and affection.

There are many myths and legends associated with yellow sapphires. For example, some cultures believe that these gemstones have the power to protect their wearer from evil spirits.

The Different Colors of Yellow Sapphire and How Are They Formed

Yellow sapphire gemstones are formed deep within the earth under extreme heat and pressure conditions. They come from the mineral corundum, which also produces other colored sapphires and rubies.

Are there different types of yellow sapphires on the market? Well, yes!

Yellow sapphires come in a variety of colors, ranging from the more common yellowish hues to the more rare and valuable golden yellow shades. Yellow sapphire’s many tonalities result from the incorporation of distinct trace elements during the stone’s creation.

For example, iron oxides can give yellow sapphires a greenish tint, while chromium can give them a pinkish hue.

The different colors of yellow sapphire can also be affected by the stone’s place of origin, with stones from Sri Lanka generally being lighter in color than those from Madagascar.

Also See: All You Need To Know About Pink Sapphire Gemstone

How to Care for Your Yellow Sapphire Gemstone 

If you are the proud owner of a yellow sapphire, you should treat it with the utmost care to retain its luster for as long as possible. Here are some ideas for taking care of your yellow sapphire ring and other yellow sapphire jewelry to preserve their pristine condition:

  1. Maintain your yellow sapphire’s sparkle by washing it in warm, soapy water regularly. To protect the stone’s integrity, never use bleach or ammonia-based cleansers.
  2. Keep your yellow sapphire safe from damage by storing it in a velvet jewelry bag while you’re not wearing it.
  3. Wearing your this gemstone requires extra caution. If you’re doing anything that can scratch or chip your yellow sapphire, including gardening or cooking, take it out first.
  4. Every few years, take your yellow sapphire gemstone to a professional jeweler to ensure it is still in excellent shape.

Benefits of Owning & Wearing a Yellow Sapphire Gemstone 

Did you realize that these bright little jewels have specific unique properties besides their natural beauty? 

Here are some astrological benefits of yellow sapphire gemstone:

  • Jupiter, the “planet of luck and riches” is linked to yellow sapphires. Thus, wearing a yellow sapphire brings good luck, success, and prosperity.
  • The stone is also associated with the element of fire, which is said to represent strength, passion, and courage.
  • Wearing a yellow sapphire is said to increase one’s self-confidence and willpower.
  • Many people also credit the stone with enhancing their ability to think critically and get insight.
  • Yellow sapphires are the perfect gemstone for those looking to manifest their dreams and goals. 

Overall, if you’re looking to attract more abundance and success into your life, yellow sapphire is the stone for you!

How to Choose the Right Yellow Sapphire Gemstone for You

When it comes to choosing the right yellow sapphire gemstone for you, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.  

First of all, you need to decide what kind of setting you want for your gemstone. Do you want it to be set in a ring? A necklace? Or perhaps you just want to carry it around with you in your pocket.

Once you’ve decided on the setting, you need to take into account the 4 C’s of yellow sapphire gemstones – carat, color, clarity, and cut. The carat weight will determine how big or small your gemstone is, while the color will obviously affect the overall look of the stone.

Clarity is important to consider as well, as a more flawless yellow sapphire will be more expensive than one with some blemishes. Finally, the cut of the stone will determine how sparkly and brilliant it appears.

Also See: What is a Blue Sapphire Gemstone?

Yellow Sapphire Price Range: How Much Does It Cost?

As with all precious stones, the price of yellow sapphire varies widely depending on a number of factors, including quality, carat weight, and market conditions. In general, however, you can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $5,000 per carat for a top-quality yellow sapphire gemstone.

Factors that will affect the price of your yellow sapphire include:

  • Carat weight: The larger the stone, the more expensive it will be.
  • Quality: The better the quality, the higher the price.
  • Market conditions: Prices can fluctuate depending on overall demand and supply.

If you’re looking for a beautiful yellow sapphire to add to your yellow sapphire rings collection, be prepared to pay a pretty penny. However, the stunning results are definitely worth the investment!


Q. 1. Which shape of yellow sapphire is the best?

Given that everyone has their own set of priorities, there is no universal answer to this question. Some people prefer the traditional round yellow sapphire, while others prefer the more unique shape of a cushion-cut yellow sapphire. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide which shape they prefer.

Q. 2. Is yellow sapphire and citrine the same?

No, yellow sapphire and citrine are not the same. Yellow sapphire is a precious gemstone, while citrine is a semi-precious gemstone. While both stones are yellow in color, they have different chemical compositions and belong to different mineral families.

Q. 3. Can yellow sapphire be worn in silver?

Yes, yellow sapphire can be worn in silver. Silver is a soft metal, so it is important to choose a setting that will protect the yellow sapphire from scratches and other damage. A bezel setting is a good option for protecting a yellow sapphire in silver.

Ready to Buy Yourself a Yellow Sapphire?

So, what’s the verdict? Are yellow sapphires worth all of this fuss? The answer is most definitely yes – and we haven’t even touched on how beautiful they are! 

If you’re ready to buy yourself a yellow sapphire gemstone, let us know in the comment section below. We would be happy to help you find your perfect stone and guide you through the buying process. 

Thanks for reading – stay tuned for more posts about everything from engagement rings to diamond shopping tips!


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