A Closer Look at the Rhodolite Garnet Gemstone: Color, Price, Benefits, & More

Rhodolite Garnet Gemstone: Color, Price, Benefits, and More

The rhodolite garnet is a gemstone that, at first glance, appears to be all soft and light. It’s a gentle purple, with darker veins running through it like the petals of a rose. The Greek word “Rhodos,” signifying rose, is whence the gem gets its name.

But don’t let its pretty face fool you – this gemstone hides some serious strength. Let’s take a closer look at the rhodolite garnet gemstone and find out what makes it so special. 

What is a Rhodolite Garnet & Where Does It Come From

Rhodolite is a beautiful, pinkish-red variety of mineral garnets known for its distinctive, deep purple color. Used in jewelry and other decorative objects for centuries, this garnet is composed of calcium aluminum silicate. 

They are commonly found in metamorphic rocks and typically form due to the metamorphism of limestone.

Rhodolite garnet is a relatively rare gem among the list of purple gemstones and can be challenging to find. However, there are a few locations where it is known to occur, including Brazil, India, and Russia. In addition, the United States, notably the southwest states of Arizona and New Mexico, also infrequently produces rhodolite garnet.

What Does a Rhodolite Garnet Look Like: Color & Properties

The most striking feature of the rhodolite garnet is its color. It ranges from pale pink to deep purple-red, with inclusions of black or brown that give it an almost marbled appearance. These inclusions are what give the rhodolite garnet its unique depth and character. 

Rhodolite, like other kinds of garnet, is a multi-mineral composite. Among the different types of rhodolite garnets, the most common variety is pyrope-rhodolite, which is a mix of pyrope and almandine garnets. Rhodolite can also come in a pure form, which is called almandine-rhodolite.

Rhodolite is a relatively soft stone, with a Mohs hardness of only 6-7. It has good cleavage, and a high degree of cleavage allows the stone to clean splitting into thin sheets. Rhodolite is also quite brittle, so it is not suitable for use in jewelry that will be subject to significant wear and tear.

Rhodolite Garnet Price Per Carat & Buying Tips

Rhodolite garnets are not as well-known as some other gemstones, which means they can be very affordable. You can find them loose or set in jewelry at most gemstone dealers, although they are not always easy to find in large sizes. 

If you’re looking for rhodolite garnet rings, you might be wondering how much the loose rhodolites will cost you per carat. Here’s a breakdown of rhodolite garnet prices:

– 1 carat rhodolite garnet: $200-$300

– 2 carat rhodolite garnet: $400-$600

– 3 carat rhodolite garnet: $600-$900

If you’re looking for something extraordinary, try pairing a rhodolite garnet with diamonds or another white gemstone. The color will pop out a lot more because of the contrast.

What are the Spiritual & Healing Properties of Rhodolite Garnet?

Rhodolite garnets are said to have numerous benefits for both the mind and body. The benefits of these gemstones include but are not limited to increased feelings of love and acceptance, higher levels of self-esteem, and more confidence.

The alleviation of worry and tension, as well as the aid in healing emotional scars from the past, is another purported benefit of using them. Rhodolite garnets may aid in regenerating damaged cells and strengthening the immune system, which is crucial to one’s physical well-being.

There are ample astrological benefits of wearing rhodolite garnet in addition to these properties. It is a stone of protection that wards off negative energy and provides astral travel protection. Rhodolite garnet is also known as a stone of power, giving the wearer strength and courage when they need it most. 

Maintenance Instructions for Rhodolite Garnet Gemstones

Taking care of a rhodolite garnet ring or jewelry is not difficult, but you should keep a few things in mind to keep your rhodolite gems looking their best. Here are a few tips for maintaining your rhodolite jewelry:

1) Avoid harsh chemicals and cleaners when cleaning your rhodolite garnet gems. Harsh chemicals can damage the surface of the gemstone, making it dull and less lustrous.

2) Store your rhodolite garnet jewelry in a soft, dry cloth to prevent scratching.

3) Rhodolite is a relatively hard gemstone (6.5-7 on the Mohs scale of hardness), but it can still be scratched by harder materials. Avoid storing them with other gems or metals that could scratch them.

4) Rhodolite is not heat-sensitive, but sudden changes in temperature can cause cracking. So, keep your rhodolites away from direct sunlight and freezing cold.

5) Rhodolite garnet is a relatively strong gemstone that can still shatter if hit hard enough. So, avoid dropping or bumping your rhodolite jewelry.

Also See: Spessartite Gemstone – Know About Its Color, Price, Benefits and More


1. Can rhodolite garnet go in the sunlight?

No, it can’t. Sunlight will damage the stone and cause it to lose its color.

2. How to determine real rhodolite garnet?

The easiest way is to look for a certification from a reputable gemological laboratory. This will ensure that the stone you are buying is genuine. You can also ask the seller for a photo of the stone in natural light, as rhodolite garnet should have a deep red color. 
Finally, touch and examine the stone to see if it feels smooth or gritty – genuine rhodolite garnet should have a smooth surface.

3. Where do rhodolite garnets differ from regular garnets?

Rhodolite garnet is a type of garnet that has a higher percentage of aluminum in its composition. This gives it a slightly different color than other types of garnets. On the other hand, Garnet is a general term used to describe a group of minerals that share a similar chemical composition.

4. Is rhodolite garnet a birthstone?

No, it is not. However, it is the anniversary stone gift for the 2nd year of marriage.

Our Rhodolite Verdict: Is It Worth It?

The rhodolite garnet is a stone that is both beautiful and full of hidden depths. Whether you’re looking for a piece of jewelry that makes a statement or are interested in exploring the spiritual side of things, this gemstone is definitely worth your attention. 

So don’t wait – go out and add a little rhodolite garnet to your life today!


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