Exploring the Green Sapphire Gemstone in Depth: Its Color, Price, Benefits, & More

Green Sapphire Gemstone - Know About Its Color, Price, Benefits and More

You’re in for a wonderful treat if you’ve never heard of green sapphires but are curious about the craze around them. A wide variety of colors are found in exquisite sapphire, from blue to yellow to even pink, but the green type is unquestionably the most eye-catching.

Known for their beauty and durability, green sapphires are perfect for any occasion. Among the list of green gemstones, these stand out as staggeringly attractive and unconventional options for an engagement ring or for sprucing up your collection.

The green sapphire is all the rage, so why not hop on the bandwagon and see for yourself?

What Is a Green Sapphire Gemstone?

Green sapphire is a beautiful and unique variety with many differentiating factors compared to other types of sapphires. For starters, the color green is not as commonly found in nature as other colors like blue and pink. These sapphires get their green color from trace amounts of iron within the stone. 

Green Sapphires are typically cut into oval or cushion shapes to maximize their brilliance and fire.

Where Does Green Sapphire Gemstone Come From

Several locations on Earth are good bets if you’re hunting for a green sapphire. The most important sources of green sapphires are Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Madagascar, and Australia. Most of the finest green sapphires available today come from Sri Lanka. Sapphires from Sri Lanka tend to have a deep green color with a hint of blue. 

Burma is another excellent source of green sapphires. The green hue of Burmese sapphires is significantly less intense than Sri Lankan sapphires. You can also find green sapphires in Thailand. But, to be fair, Sri Lankan and Burmese sapphires are of far higher quality than their Thai counterparts.

The island of Madagascar also produces high-quality green sapphires. Despite their small stature, these sapphires consistently impress with their vivid green hues. Lastly, Australia is a relatively new mine for high-quality green sapphires.

Also See: Yellow Sapphire Gemstone – Price, Origin, and Benefits

Meaning, History & Usage of the Green Sapphire Gemstone

Green sapphire is said to be associated with the planet Mercury. Communication, insight, and business are all within Mercury’s sphere of influence. This is why many people believe that wearing a green sapphire might help with open lines of dialogue and rational thinking. In addition, donning one is supposed to ensure a prosperous future.

The green sapphire’s earliest recorded usage as an ornamental stone dates all the way back to Ancient Rome. Later, in the Middle Ages, the gemstone was thought to possess magical powers and was used in talismans and amulets. Green sapphire didn’t start to gain traction as a jewelry choice until the 19th century.

While green sapphires still have a place in the jewelry industry, they also find widespread application in other fields, like horology and scientific research. 

How is Green Sapphire Formed: Different Color Varieties

Metamorphic rocks buried far below the surface of the Earth are the source of gem-quality green sapphires. Heat and pressure transform common minerals into precious stones. The most common mineral found in green sapphire is corundum. However, trace amounts of other minerals, such as iron or chromium, can give green sapphire its distinctive color. 

The different types of green sapphires include yellow-green sapphire, olive-green sapphire, teal-green sapphire, mint-green sapphire, and forest-green sapphire. The most popular and valuable shade of green sapphire is known as “fancy light green,” which is a delicate pastel green. 

Green sapphires are also commonly enhanced with treatments such as heat or irradiation to improve their color. 

Also See: Blue Sapphire Gemstone – All About the Colors, Price, Benefits and More

Physical Properties of Green Sapphire Gemstone

In terms of hardness, green sapphire is second only to diamond on the Mohs scale, scoring a 9. It’s incredibly resistant to damage from impacts, chips, and scratches, which is a testament to its remarkable resilience, making it an ideal choice for daily jewelry such as engagement rings and wedding bands. 

Green Sapphire has an average specific gravity of 3.99-4.03+/-0.05, which means it is about equal in weight to most other medium-weight natural gemstones such as amethyst or peridot. 

Maintenance & Cleaning Tips for Your Green Sapphire Jewelry

When caring for your green sapphire ring, necklace, or other jewelry pieces, you should keep a few things in mind. 

  • First, always remove your jewelry before doing any kind of strenuous activity or household chores since these activities could damage or scratch your stones. 
  • Secondly, store your green sapphires in a soft cloth pouch or jewelry box when you’re not wearing them to prevent them from getting lost or tangled up with other pieces. 
  • Lastly, have your precious green sapphire gems professionally cleaned and inspected at least once a year to keep them looking their best. 

Also See: Pink Sapphire Gemstone: A Quick Guide to Its Color, Price, Care, and Benefits

Benefits of Wearing a Green Sapphire Gemstone 

As far as the astrological benefits of green sapphires go, they are said to promote financial abundance, good fortune, and luck. They are also believed to possess healing properties that can help alleviate stress and anxiety. 

If you’re looking for a gemstone to help you manifest your goals and dreams, then a green sapphire might be the right stone for you. 

Green sapphire is also the birthstone for Taurus (April 20 – May 20) and Virgo (August 23 – September 22). In lieu of the more conventional emerald, it may also serve as the 35th-anniversary gemstone.

Price Per Carat of Green Sapphire Gemstone

In terms of price, green sapphires typically range from $300 to $600 per carat but can be more expensive depending on their color, quality, clarity, and cut. 

When shopping for green sapphire rings or other jewelry, it is essential to note that a green sapphire’s worth is proportional to the intensity of its saturation.

Also See: Orange Sapphire Value


1. Green sapphire vs. Emerald – which one is better?

This is a matter of personal preference. Both green sapphire and emerald are beautiful gemstones. The answer is nuanced and dependent on your desired characteristics in a gem.
Green sapphires are more long-lasting than emeralds due to their higher hardness (9 on the Mohs scale). Emeralds and green sapphires both come in shades of green, but emeralds have a more intense hue.
Green sapphires are more common than emeralds; hence the latter is more valuable. However, well-cut, vivid emeralds are more costly than any green sapphire.

2. How to identify green sapphire?

The best way to identify green sapphire is by its color. The stone should be deep and rich green in color. If the stone is pale or has any other colors in it, it is not green sapphire.

3. Are blue-green sapphires valuable?

Yes, blue-green sapphires can be pretty valuable because of their rarity – for gemstones, the more unique their hue, the higher their market value.

4. Is green sapphire a rare gemstone?

For a sapphire, green is one of the rarest hues to find. Though green sapphires are rarer than other colored sapphires, their lack of widespread familiarity with them means that demand has not pushed prices as high as those of more popular colors.

Also See: Teal Montana Sapphire

Anyone Getting the Green Sapphire Vibe?

As you can see, there is much to learn about green sapphire gemstones. They’re one of the most durable gems out there and look great with anything from an elegant gold necklace to casual jeans! 

For those looking for more than just beauty value for their next piece of jewelry—consider choosing a green sapphire!

Can’t seem to settle on a choice? To get the ideal green sapphire, just ask us any questions you have in the comments section!


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