Green Gemstones – List of Green Precious & Semi-Precious Stones


Although a gemstone color chart will include every rainbow color, certain shades will always be more popular than others. One such color family is the green gemstones, which come in a wide variety of forms throughout the spectrum of precious and semiprecious stones.

The peridot’s softer, subdued greens complement any ensemble, while the emerald’s brilliant, striking greens make a bold statement.

Here is a list of 10 green gemstones for your consideration the next time you need to buy a gift for someone special or update your jewelry collection. 

What are Green Gemstones: Meaning, History, and Popular Names 

From deep emerald green to lesser hues of green, humankind has prized these jewels for ages for their beauty and symbolism.

Popular green gemstones include emerald, jade, and peridot. Emerald is the green variant of the mineral beryl and is one of the most valuable gemstones. It ranges from bluish to pure green and gets its color from trace amounts of chromium and vanadium. 

Jade is another popular green gemstone that comes in a range of colors. Jadeite and nephrite make up its mineral composition. Peridot is a bright green stone that is the birthstone for August. This green mineral is a subset of olivine and receives its color from iron.

Green gemstones are often associated with a variety of meanings. An emerald, for instance, is a stone symbolizing love, prosperity, and good fortune. Jade is said to represent wisdom, tranquility, and good health. According to legend, peridot may help bring about harmony and equilibrium in your life.

You may discover various gemstones in green to fit your demands, whether you’re searching for one for its symbolic value or aesthetic appeal.

List of Green Precious and Semi-Precious Stones

List of Green Precious and Semi Precious Stones names

In terms of both demand and price, green gemstones are among the highest. 

Please find below a list of green precious and semi-precious stones and the accompanying gemstone price list.

1. Green Diamond

Though green diamonds are some of the rarest stones in existence, they’re not nearly as well-known as other green precious stones. 

Green diamonds get their color from natural radionuclides, which irradiate the diamond over time and cause it to become green. The New green Diamonds Gallery in Dresden, Germany, is home to the world’s most renowned green diamond, the Dresden Green.

Green diamonds are some of the most expensive stones on the market. The Dresden Green, for example, was sold for $16.2 million at auction in 2018. 

Green diamonds, it is thought, help their owners achieve mental and emotional balance points. They are also said to have protecting properties and symbolize hope, fresh beginnings, and nature.

2. Emerald

Emerald is a kind of the mineral beryl that gets its distinctive green hue from minute traces of chromium and, less often, vanadium. Common sources for emeralds include Colombia, Brazil, Zambia, and Afghanistan.

The emerald’s green hue has been linked to rebirth and spring for well over 4,000 years, making it a popular gemstone. Emeralds are still highly prized, with fine specimens selling for tens of thousands of dollars per carat. 

Emeralds are not only popular in jewelry (particularly emerald rings) but also in the fields of lapidary and carving.

3. Green Sapphire

Although most people think of a sapphire as a deep blue stone, it can come in a wide range of hues, including green.

Green sapphires are relatively rare compared to other colors of sapphires, making them more valuable. 

People say that green sapphires have magical powers in addition to being rare. For example, some believe that green sapphires can ward off evil and bring good luck to those who wear them. 

Due to their beauty and purported benefits, green sapphires have become an increasingly popular option for green engagement rings

4. Chrome Tourmaline

Chrome tourmaline is a green gemstone that is relatively rare and can command high prices. 

Several countries, such as Brazil, Namibia, and Sri Lanka, are home to this precious stone. The majority of chrome tourmaline on the market today comes from Brazil. 

Jewelry made from chrome tourmaline includes rings, earrings, pendants, and bracelets. It is also popular in collector circles. 

The belief is that it may assist dispel negative energy while promoting calm and equilibrium.

Read More: List of Popular Yellow Gemstones Names

5. Green Topaz

The presence of iron atoms in green topaz is responsible for its distinctive hue.

Although Brazil is the most common source of green topaz on the market today, other nations, including Zimbabwe, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, also have gem deposits.

Green topaz is usually very affordable, although the price can vary depending on the stone’s quality. It is a durable gemstone resistant to scratches and wear, making it ideal for everyday jewelry. 

Green topaz is said to calm and focus the mind, promoting creativity and improving communication skills. 

6. African Jade

The term “African jade” is a misnomer, as the stone is not jade. African jade is a type of green chalcedony, which is a form of quartz. 

The old trade routes via Africa inspired the stone’s original name. The name “African jade” became associated with all green gemstones coming from Africa. 

African jade can be found in various colors, ranging from light green to dark green. The price of African jade varies depending on the quality and rarity of the stone. However, jadeite from any part of Africa fetches a premium price.

In addition to its purported defensive and therapeutic characteristics, the stone also fosters a sense of harmony and balance.

7. Aventurine Quartz

Primarily found in India, Austria, China, Russia, and Brazil, aventurine is a green-colored gemstone found in metamorphic rocks. It is famous for its chatoyancy or “cat’s eye” effect. 

The term “aventurine” comes from the Italian word “Aventura,” which means “by chance.” This is because goldsmiths accidentally found the stone while working with molten glass. A piece of melted copper fell into the glass, creating a green-colored inclusion. 

Today, most aventurine on the market is man-made. Intrusions of fuchsite or chromium oxide minerals give aventurine its characteristic green hue.  Natural aventurine is less common and more expensive. 

Aventurine ranges in color from light green to dark green. It is typically transparent or translucent with a vitreous luster. 

Aventurine is usually cut into cabochons or beads. It is also a common material for intaglio and cameo jewelry. The stone, linked to the heart chakra, brings good fortune and prosperity by inspiring acts of compassion and forgiveness.

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8. Tsavorite Garnet

Tsavorite garnet was first discovered in the 1960s by British geologist Campbell R. Bridges in the Tsavo East National Park in Kenya. The name “tsavorite” comes from the park’s name. 

Tsavorite garnet is a type of grossularite garnet, a variety of silicate minerals ranging in color from green to orange to red. Tsavorite garnet gets its green hue from traces of chromium and vanadium.

You may usually find it in rocks undergoing metamorphism due to high temperatures or pressure. The most desirable tsavorite garnets are those with vivid green color and high transparency. 

They can range in price from $500 to $5,000 per carat, making them one of the more expensive green gemstones on the market. 

Besides being used in jewelry, tsavorite garnets have mystical powers. They inspire creativity, promote good luck, and bring abundance.

9. Peridot

Peridot is a green gemstone whose name comes from the Greek word “peridona,” meaning “giving plenty.” 

The stone is found in a variety of colors, ranging from pale green to olive green. Peridot is relatively inexpensive, making it a popular choice for costume jewelry. 

The stone is said to have numerous benefits, including improving mental clarity and promoting emotional balance. Peridot’s alleged ability to ward off evil spirits and provide good fortune is well-documented.

10. Amazonite

Amazonite derives its name from the Amazon River, where humanity discovered it for the first time. The United States, Brazil, Canada, Australia, and Madagascar are among the countries that mine it nowadays.

Amazonite has a variety of colors, ranging from pale green to deep blue-green. The stone is usually translucent, but it can also be opaque. 

It has a Mohs hardness of 6-6.5 and a vitreous luster. The price of amazonite varies depending on the quality of the stone. Higher quality stones are more expensive, but amazonite is still relatively affordable compared to other gemstones. 

Amazonite reduces stress and anxiety, heals, and improves communication.

Read More: Names List of Black Gemstones


Q 1.  What gemstones are light green?

The gemstones with light green shades are prasiolite, amblygonite, prehnite, chrysoberyl, and tourmaline.

Q 2.  What gemstones are fluorescent green?

Some green gemstones with a fluorescent green hue include peridot and willemite.

Q 3. What are green gemstones used for?

Green gemstones are frequently used in jewelry and as accents in other jewelry pieces. You can also carve them into figurines and other objects.

Which Green Gemstone Do You Find Most Appealing?

So, what’s your favorite green gemstone? Emerald? Jade? Peridot? 
Let us know in the comments below – we’d love to hear from you. And don’t forget to check out our other posts on blue gemstones for more information on these beautiful stones.


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