Can Moonstone Go in Water?

Can Moonstone Go in Water

Are you a moonstone jewelry owner who’s also looking for a bit of adventure? The chances are good that at some point, you’ve asked yourself: can moonstone go in the water? After all, do precious gemstones need special care like any other valuable item? 

The answer is both complex and simple. Yes, moonstones can go in the water. But only with the right kind of protective measure! In this blog post, we’ll explore exactly how best to safeguard your prized moonstone before taking it on an aquatic expedition – whether it’s diving into the pool or dancing under raindrops outside. 

Join us as we uncover why moonstone, a renowned name among zodiac sign gems, has such strength and beauty even after coming into contact with nature’s most plentiful resource — H2O!

But before we discuss that, let’s understand our stone.

What is a Moonstone?

Moonstone belongs to the orthoclase feldspar group and has an iridescent, pearly appearance in white stone names. Translucent moonstone is available in white, grey, green, orange, blue, brown, pink, and a rainbow of other colors. 

It also has a particular aesthetic feature called adularescence that allows a milky, bluish light to radiate. Moonstone stands for feminine vitality and fresh starts.

Now, without much further ado, let’s talk about one of the most beautiful gems in the world, i.e., moonstone’s reaction to water.

Can Moonstone Go in Water?

Yes, you can take your moonstone jewelry in water, provided you submerge it briefly; otherwise, it can cause to the stone. There are two ways it will be manifested:

Structural Damage

Moonstone can indeed be submerged in water because it has a Mohs hardness rating of 6 to 6.5. 

What is a Mohs Hardness Scale?

Mohs hardness scale is a relative indicator of a mineral’s resistance to scratching. Additionally, it grades stone according to how it relates to water. The stone should be secure enough to be submerged if the number is over five.

However, like other jewels, you shouldn’t ask to immerse your moonstone for an extended time. The stone could be harmed if water enters its tiny crevices and widens them.

Physical Damage

Although the classic moonstone is delicate and porous, it can survive in water reasonably well for a short duration. It is merely because, in contrast to other gemstones, it lacks any trace minerals that could make it rust.

Moonstone and its Reaction to Various Types of Water

Do you always get similar water encounters in your life? Obviously not. Cold weather calls for a hot water bath; summers ensure a cold water treatment. But can our moonstone withstand such variations in different water scenarios? Let’s know.

Can Moonstone Go in Salt Water?

We would not recommend you take your moonstone in salt water. Though moonstone is safe to use underwater because it has a Mohs hardness of 6-6.7, even then, it shouldn’t be submerged for an extended period. The addition of salt only makes matters worse.


It is seen that stones’ cervix get wider when water enters them. Dealing with salt water worsens this situation, and the salt atoms persist even after the water evaporates, which will cause fractures to widen more, ultimately leading to breaking.

Can Moonstone Go in Hot Water?

No, not at all. You can use lukewarm water for moonstone cleaning, as extreme temperatures may make the stone brittle and lead to breakage. 

Can Moonstone Go in Moonwater?

The power of crystals can be renewed by the incredible energy the moon can offer, which may simultaneously cleanse and charge your crystals.

Yes, it is safe to charge your moonstone with moon water baths. Additionally, it is advisable to use this technique once a month. All credit goes to its respectable score on the Mohs hardness scale. But the catch is submersion should bo be prolonged.

How Does Water Impact Different Moonstone Types?

The different variants of moonstone give it its unique qualities and uniqueness. Understanding how different moonstone kinds interact with water can only broaden your knowledge of this lovely stone.

Can Moonstone Crystals Go in the Water?

In their natural state, moonstone crystals may be cleansed using water to draw out impurities and enhance their metaphysical properties. Just be sure to avoid taking an extra-long bath, as submerging moonstones in crystalline form for extended periods isn’t recommended. 

Can Raw Moonstone Go in Water?

The basic meaning of anything raw is as it is from nature, and no polishing, treatment, or enhancement techniques are used. So, these raw moonstone forms have a significant market from the astrological perspective. And yes, they can go in the water briefly because your brief exposure will not affect the moonstone, thanks to their satisfactory score on the Mohs hardness scale.

Why not long hours of immersion in water?

Well, raw moonstone has no protective shield such as polishing or treatment, and they have a high chance of getting directly impacted in their structure and visual aesthetics by the long period of water submersion. 

Also See: Astrological Benefits of Wearing Moonstone

How Long Can a Moonstone Go in the Water?

Submerge the moonstone for a few minutes– no more! We would want to avoid harming this precious gem, and nothing good comes from overdoing it anyway.

Can Moonstones Go in the Water to Cleanse?

Like all gemstones and healing crystals, your moonstone will function most effectively when frequently cleansed and charged. So, how do we do that?

  • Remember to underestimate the power of the moon when it comes to recharging stones, especially moonstones. The gemstone should just be left outside in the moonlight to be worked on by the moon, and you will get a re-energized stone soon.
  • Keeping it under running water briefly will not harm your stone, but you will get a charged stone.


Moonstone can be a superb option for one-of-a-kind gemstone jewelry, but if you want to keep its shine, you must understand how it interacts with water. It is regarded as a gemstone that can be submerged in water, but if you want to preserve it at its best, you should avoid doing so for an extended time.

We hope that clarifies whether or not gems, according to the horoscope, such as moonstone, is safe to wear when swimming. What are you still holding out for? Hold this moon-like beauty and benefit from a lifetime investment! Moonstones may last a lifetime with proper TLC.


What are the ways to ensure your moonstone looks beautiful forever?

Here are some tips for you.
– Look for moderate temperatures and water conditions to clean your moonstone, as a sharp shift in temperature may harm your stone.
– Avoid using steam or ultrasonic cleaners to clean your stone.
– We advise cleaning your gem professionally if you need help cleaning it.

What kind of water should we use for occasional cleaning?

You should always use lukewarm water for your moonstone, as it doesn’t harm your stone.

How to preserve moonstone jewelry at home?

– Keep your moonstone in a dry and cool place, wrapped in a velvet-lined box to avoid any scratches. 
– Take out your moonstone jewelry as soon as you come out on any outing to minimize the effect of chemicals underlying in perfumes, hair spray, etc.


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