All About the Blue Zircon Gem: Its Properties, Color, Price, Use & More

Blue Zircon Gemstone - Know About Its Color, Price, Use and More

Glorious, mesmerizing, and ever so captivating – that’s blue zircon gemstone for you!

Zircon is available in various colors, but the blue zircon gem is by far the most popular among them all. The gemstone is also quite affordable, making it an excellent option for beautiful but budget-friendly jewelry.

The blue zircon is a gemstone that, in addition to its breathtaking beauty, has a lot to say about its qualities that it has.

So, out of all blue gemstones, if you’re curious about this unique gem, read on!

What Is a Blue Zircon Gemstone and Where Does It Come From

The good-looking blue zirconia is an alumosilicate mineral known to have high dispersion. This makes it one of the most brilliant gemstones in existence. And because of its high refractive index, it has more fire than any other natural gemstone.

Blue zircon was first discovered in Cambodia. However, it is increasingly widespread in other regions of the globe, such as Australia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, and Thailand.

The vast majority of blue zircons on the market today are actually heat-treated. The heating process brings out the beautiful blue hue of the gemstone. The zircons are heated to around 500-800 degrees Celsius in a reducing atmosphere to achieve a distinctive blue color.

The process is irreversible, meaning that once a zircon is heated, it will always remain blue.

History & Meaning of the Blue Zircon Gemstone

The blue zircon gemstone represents sincerity, honor, capability, and purity. It is also believed to bring wisdom, wealth, and health to those who wear it. 

As far as history goes, the blue zircon was once used as a talisman to ward off evil spirits. It was also said to be a stone of protection against disease.

The blue zircon gemstone has also been used in a variety of ways throughout the years. For example, it was once ground up and used as a paint pigment. It was also used to make glass during the Art Deco period.

Color and Properties of Blue Zircon

As evident from its name, the blue zircon gemstone is blue in color. The various shades of blue that you can find in different types of blue zircon include pale blue, sky-blue, navy blue, and teal blue.

Trace components in the gemstone account for its varied blue tones. For instance, cobalt will produce a blue zircon closer to navy blue, while iron generates a sky-blue zircon.

In terms of the zircon’s physical characteristics, the Mohs hardness of blue zircon is 7.5, and its specific gravity ranges from 3.90 to 4.73. The blue zircon gemstone is also known to be quite durable, making it a great choice for everyday wear.

Also See: List of Gems By Color

How to Maintain & Clean Your Blue Zircon Jewelry

Regarding maintenance, taking care of your blue zircon ring or other jewelry is easier than you might think. Listed below are some incredible suggestions for maintaining the luster of your blue zircon jewelry:

  • Avoid exposing your blue zircon gemstone to harsh chemicals and cleaning solutions.
  • Store it in a safe and dry place when you’re not wearing your blue zircon jewelry.
  • To clean your blue zircon jewelry, just use warm water and mild soap. Use a delicate cloth to gently scrub the jewelry clean of any dirt or grime.
  • Avoid using ultrasonic cleaners or steamers when cleaning your blue zircon gems.
  • Have your blue zircon jewelry professionally cleaned and checked at least once a year.

Many Uses of Blue Zircon Gemstone 

Besides the widespread astrological benefits of blue zircon, the gemstone is also known to have a variety of other uses.

For instance, blue zircon has been used to treat disorders such as gout, rheumatism, and fever. It is also said to be effective in treating eye problems.

The blue zircon gemstone is also known to promote good dreams. It is said to be a stone of protection against disease.

And, as we’re talking about a pretty gem here, it’s also worth mentioning that blue zircon is a popular choice for use in jewelry. You can find it in rings, earrings, pendants, and bracelets.

How Much is Blue Zircon Worth: Price Per Carat & Value

Are you eyeing some gorgeous blue zircon rings or jewelry but need to figure out how much it’s worth?

There are a number of variables that affect the cost of a blue zircon gemstone, including but not limited to its weight, cut quality, and country of origin.

Generally speaking, blue zircon gemstones are not considered to be very valuable. A one-carat blue zircon stone is typically worth anywhere from $20 to $50. However, blue zircon gemstones with higher quality can be worth more.

The origin of the stone also plays a role in its value. For instance, blue zircon gemstones from Sri Lanka are typically worth more than those from Cambodia.

Also See: List of Gemstones By Value

How to Buy Blue Zircon Gemstones: A Quick Buyer’s Guide

Now beware, dear reader. As blue zircon is not a very valuable gemstone, there’re a lot of fakes out there. So, if you’re looking to buy blue zircon gemstones, here are a few tips to help you avoid being scammed:

  • First and foremost, only buy blue zircon gemstones from a reputable dealer.
  • Make sure to check the quality of the blue zircon gemstone before making a purchase.
  • If you’re buying blue zircon online, do your research and buy from a trusted website.
  • When in doubt, always consult with a professional gemologist before making a purchase.
  • Experts typically use a refractometer or a loupe to authenticate a blue zircon gemstone. At home, however, you can also try the scratch test. Try scratching the blue zircon with a sharp object. If it’s a fake, the stone will likely scratch easily. However, the stone will be more resistant to scratches if it’s a genuine blue zircon.


Is blue zircon a real stone?

Yes, blue zircon is a natural stone. It is a mineral that typically forms in metamorphic rocks.

Is blue zircon rare?

No, blue zircon is not a rare gemstone. It is found in many countries worldwide, making it a relatively common stone.

Are blue topaz and blue zircons the same?

No, blue topaz and blue zircons are not the same. Blue topaz is a different gemstone altogether.

Does blue zircon fade over time?

No, blue zircon gemstones do not fade over time. However, they can become dull if not cleaned and cared for properly.

In the Mood to Buy a Blue Zircon Gemstone?

Made up your mind and are ready to buy a blue zircon gemstone? All we wish to say is congratulations! You’ve made a great choice.

Not only are blue zircon gemstones gorgeous, but they also come with a whole host of benefits, from good luck to promote lucid dreaming.

So, go ahead and add a dash of blue zircon to your jewelry collection today. We promise you won’t regret it!


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