Tsavorite Gemstone: Discover Its Meaning, Price, Properties, Colors, Benefits & More

Tsavorite Gemstone: Discover Its Meaning, Price, Properties, Colors, Benefits and More

Looking to add some emerald-green pizazz to your ring collection? Then go ahead and spoil yourself with a tsavorite gemstone!

While emerald, tanzanite, and green tourmaline are similar in appearance, tsavorite displays a far deeper green hue and greater beauty than those of its closest cousins.

If you’re on the fence about whether or not a tsavorite gemstone would make an excellent addition to your jewelry box, this primer should shed some light on the stone and its mark among other green gems.

Okay, let’s just jump right in!

What is a Tsavorite Gemstone & Where Does it Come From

Initially identified in 1967 in the East African nation of Tanzania, tsavorite is a variety of green garnets. The term “tsavorite” originates from Tsavo National Park in Kenya, the location of the first known discovery of the gemstone.

Tsavorite has a long and rich history. The green garnet has been a popular amulet for centuries due to its purported healing powers. Ancient rites and ceremonies also made use of the stone. In more recent history, members of royalty and celebs have shown a strong inclination toward the tsavorite.

The chromium and vanadium inclusions found in tsavorite are responsible for the gem’s coveted green hue. Tsavorite’s green coloration may run the gamut from a pale, almost yellowish green to a rich, emerald green.

Tsavorite gemstone is relatively rare and can be quite expensive. Jewelry items like rings, pendants, and earrings often employ it.

Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar, and Namibia are just a few of the nations that are home to this semi-precious stone. However, the vast majority of tsavorite on the market today comes from Kenya.

How is the Tsavorite Gemstone Made

Tsavorite occurs naturally only in metamorphic rocks subjected to the high temperatures and pressures of the Earth’s mantle. These are tsavorite deposits in many different parts of the world, but the largest concentrations are in East Africa.

The process that forms tsavorite begins when rocks in the Earth’s mantle melt and rise to the surface. This molten rock, called magma, is scorching and can be very dangerous. When the magma solidifies after cooling, it forms an igneous rock.

Over time, the igneous rock is buried deep within the Earth’s surface. This is possible if sedimentary rocks build atop the igneous rock. The weight of the newly formed rocks compresses and warms the older ingenious rocks. This process is called metamorphism.

The heat and pressure of metamorphism can change the structure of the igneous rock. This mechanism may form new minerals, such as tsavorite, or alter the arrangement of existing minerals.

What are the Colors & Properties of Tsavorite

While this green variety of garnet is typically a deep green, it can also come in a lighter olive green, as well as a yellow green. Some tsavorite even has a hint of blue!

The different colors of tsavorite are due to different trace minerals present in the stone. For example, Vanadium is responsible for the green hue, while chromium can create a yellow-green color.

In terms of hardness, tsavorite rates at 7 on the Mohs scale, making it a durable stone for everyday wear. Other physical properties of tsavorite include a refractive index of 1.745-1.755 and a specific gravity of 3.6-3.8.

When it comes to the different types of tsavorite, there are two main categories: those with higher iron content and those with higher chromium content. The former tend to be a deeper green, while the latter are lighter in color.

Also See: Yellow Gemstones List

Price Range: How Much Does Tsavorite Cost

When it comes to tsavorite, there is no one answer when it comes to cost. This is because tsavorite can range in quality and, as a result, price. However, tsavorite is generally not an overly expensive gemstone, especially when compared to other precious stones such as diamonds.

Tsavorite rings can be found for anywhere from a few hundred dollars to several thousand, depending on the size, quality, and setting of the tsavorite. For example, a simple tsavorite ring in a sterling silver setting may cost around $250, while a tsavorite ring with a diamond halo in a white gold setting may cost closer to $3,000.

So, when it comes to tsavorite, the price really depends on what you are looking for.

Some Benefits of Wearing and Owning Tsavorite Gemstone

You should pick a tsavorite if you want an elegant gemstone that also has astrological significance.

Here are just a few of the many astrological benefits of tsavorite:

  • Tsavorite is said to be especially beneficial for those born under the Cancer sign. Cancerians may gain confidence and stability, as well as a more stable sense of self, thanks to this.
  • There’s a common belief that a tsavorite may aid in getting through a challenging period or transition in life. It is said to offer strength and support during times of upheaval.
  • According to legend, tsavorite is the best gemstone for attracting love and passion. It stimulates sentiments of love and affection, as well as draws new romantic connections.
  • What’s more? As an added bonus, some believe that wearing a tsavorite might help you succeed in the workplace or business. It helps manifest your goals and desires and brings good luck and wealth.

Practical Tips for Maintaining Your Tsavorite Gemstone Jewelry 

So, you have added that green bling to your jewelry box with a tsavorite ring, but how do you keep it looking as sparkling and new as the day you bought it? 

Here are some valuable tips on how to take care of your tsavorite ring or other jewelry:

  • Firstly, it is best to avoid contact with harsh chemicals such as bleach or other cleaning agents. These can damage the tsavorite.
  • Take off your tsavorite jewelry before doing any household chores or activities where it might get damaged, such as gardening.
  • Avoid exposing your tsavorite to extreme heat or cold, which can cause cracks.
  • Store your tsavorite jewelry in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Clean your tsavorite jewelry regularly with a soft, dry cloth to remove any dirt or oil buildup. Even if you want to use a light soap and water solution, make sure to give it a good rinsing and dry it thoroughly before putting it away.

Also See: Gemstones Chart by Color

Buying Tips for Tsavorite Gemstone and Jewelry

When buying a tsavorite, it is important to keep in mind that this is a valuable gemstone. As such, it is crucial to be aware of the four Cs of tsavorite: carat weight, color, clarity, and cut.

Let’s see how this works:

  • Carat weight is how the tsavorite is measured and the gemstone’s size. The greater the tsavorite’s carat weight, the higher its market value.
  • For color, the greater the concentration of green tones, the more precious the tsavorite.
  • Clarity is how many inclusions, or blemishes, are present in the gemstone: the fewer inclusions, the more valuable the tsavorite.
  • The cut is how well the gemstone has been cut and includes the height, depth, and angles of the facets. A well-cut tsavorite will be more desirable because of the increased fire and brilliance it will exhibit.

It’s crucial to find a trusted jeweler that sells genuine tsavorite and can give a certificate of authenticity before making a purchase. And you’re good to go!


Q. 1. Can a tsavorite be scratched?

Yes, tsavorite is a relatively soft gemstone. On the Mohs scale, it rates a 7. However, its toughness is exceptional, making it unlikely to break or chip.

Q. 2. Should I be concerned about treatments?

Like with any gemstone, you should inquire about any treatments the tsavorite may have had from the jeweler. Some treatments, such as heating, are pretty common and do not require special care. Others, such as dyeing, may require more diligent cleaning and maintenance.

Q. 3. Who discovered tsavorite?

Tsavorite was first discovered in the late 1960s by British geologist Campbell Bridges. He found the gemstone in the Tsavo East National Park in Kenya.

Q. 4. How to identify tsavorite garnet?

There are several ways to identify tsavorite garnet. One is color, which is typically a deep green. Another is hardness, which is seven on the Mohs scale. Finally, the high refractive index and concentrated dispersion of tsavorite set it apart.

Ready to Get a Tsavorite Gemstone?

The journey has come to an end, and a tsavorite gemstone awaits you. In a nutshell, this green beauty is worth the money, and you can get it from a variety of online retailers.

So, what do you think about purchasing a tsavorite? 

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