Pink Tourmaline: All About the Gemstone’s Meaning, Price, Care, & Benefits

Pink Tourmaline Gemstone - Know About Its Color, Price, Benefits and More

Pink tourmaline is one of the most timeless gemstones. This pretty little guy has been around for centuries and is still going strong. 

If you’re in the market for this pink gemstone, there are a few things you should know before buying. Pink tourmaline has a lot of mystery around it, but this post will explain all you need to know about it.

Hopefully, after reading this, you’ll be raring to go out and get some pink tourmaline jewelry for yourself! 

What is a Pink Tourmaline Gemstone: Meaning, History, and Origin

Pink tourmalines are pink gemstones with a meaning and a long history of being used in jewelry and other decorative objects. This gemstone’s pink hue results from the incorporation of manganese atoms at low concentrations.

Pink tourmaline gemstones are said to symbolize love, compassion, and tenderness.

The usage of pink tourmalines dates back hundreds of years. Europeans first noticed the pink color of these gemstones during the Renaissance period, and they quickly became popular gemstones for jewelry and other decorative objects.

Despite being widespread across the globe, Brazil is by far the most popular location for them. The rest of South America, Asia, and Africa also provide trace amounts of these jewels.

How is Pink Tourmaline Gemstone Formed: Color and Hardness

There are different types of pink tourmaline gemstones found in nature depending on the amount of water present during their formation. Various mineral impurities present during production account for the spectrum of pink tourmaline hues.

For example, the presence of manganese during the formation of pink tourmaline will result in a deep pink color, while the presence of iron will result in a light pink color. 

A pink tourmaline’s hardness may also change based on the quantity of water present during its development. The more water present, the softer the pink tourmaline gemstone will be.

On the Mohs scale, pink tourmaline gemstone has a hardness of 7 to 7.5, making it a perfect choice for different types of jewelry.

Also See: What is a Pink Sapphire Gemstone?

What is the Price Range of Pink Tourmaline Gemstone

Prices for pink tourmaline, a semiprecious stone, may vary widely, from about $50 to $1,000 per carat. The cost of pink tourmaline depends on its color, clarity, and cut. 

The most expensive pink tourmalines are those with strong pink color and few inclusions. Pink tourmalines are typically cut into rounds or ovals, but fancy-cut stones can be more expensive.

Pink tourmaline is a stunning gemstone that is perfect for those who love pink diamonds but don’t want to spend a fortune. It is also a popular choice for engagement rings and other jewelry pieces because of its unique color. 

If you are looking for a pink tourmaline gemstone, be sure to shop around and compare prices before making a purchase.

Benefits of Owning and Wearing Pink Tourmaline Gemstone

Look no further than pink tourmaline if you want a multipurpose gemstone. This versatile stone offers numerous benefits, from promoting creativity and self-love to providing protection against negative energy.

And if that wasn’t enough, there are many astrological benefits of pink tourmaline. The gemstone is associated with the astrological sign of Libra, making it a perfect choice for those born under this sign.

There is no more potent stone than pink tourmaline for inspiring self-appreciation, creativity, and emotional stability. Relief from stress, anxiety, and tension headaches are some of the purported health advantages.

Pink tourmaline is a stone representing enlightenment and healing for the soul. It is said to help open the heart chakra and promote compassion, understanding, and unconditional love.

How to Maintain Your Pink Tourmaline Jewelry

Pink tourmalines are beautiful and unique gemstones. You may get them in many different jewelry settings, and their colors vary from very light pink to very dark raspberry. Whether you have pink tourmaline rings or pendants, it’s important to take proper care of your gemstone. 

Here are some tips on how to take care of your pink tourmaline ring, necklace, pendant, or other jewelry:

  • Clean your pink tourmaline jewelry regularly with mild soap and warm water. Do not use any strong chemicals or cleansers since they may etch or otherwise harm the stone.
  • Inspect your jewelry regularly for loose stones or damaged settings. Have any repairs made by a professional jeweler.
  • Store your pink tourmaline jewelry in a soft cloth or padded case, away from other gemstones and hard surfaces.

Also See: List of Gemstones by Color

Buying Tips for Pink Tourmaline Gemstone

If you’re in the market for a pink tourmaline gemstone, there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure you get the best quality stone possible. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

Color of the Stone:

First, take a look at the color of the gemstone. The most desirable pink tourmaline gemstones are those with an intense, vibrant pink hue. If the stone is too light in color, it may not have the same visual impact as a deeper pink stone.

Size and Clarity of the Stone:

Next, consider the size and clarity of the pink tourmaline gemstone. Pink tourmalines can range in size from very small to large, so choosing a size appropriate for your needs is essential. Additionally, check the clarity of the stone; if it is too included or has too many blemishes, it may not be as sparkly and beautiful as you would like.

Cut of the Stone:

Take a look at the cut of the stone. A well-cut pink tourmaline will have excellent symmetry and a brilliant, sparkling finish. Avoid stones that are unevenly polished or have a poor cut.

Consider Price:

The cost of the pink tourmaline is another factor to think about. It’s crucial to have a spending limit when looking for pink tourmalines since their prices may vary widely, from the hundreds to the thousands of dollars.


Finally, be sure to ask about treatment when you’re considering a pink tourmaline. Many stones are heat-treated to enhance their color, so you’ll want to be sure you’re aware of this before making your purchase.

With these tips in mind, you should be well on your way to choosing the perfect pink tourmaline gemstone for your needs!

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Q. 1. How rare is pink tourmaline?

Pink tourmaline is one of the rarest shades found in the tourmaline family. In fact, pink tourmaline is so rare that it’s often mistaken for rubellite, another pink gemstone. So if you’re lucky enough to find a piece of pink tourmaline, you can consider yourself quite fortunate!

Q. 2. How to charge pink tourmaline gemstones?

To keep your pink tourmaline gemstone charged and energized, simply place it in direct sunlight for a few hours once a month.

Q. 3. Who should wear pink tourmaline?

Single people seeking love may benefit from wearing pink tourmaline because of the stone’s reputed ability to draw in and magnify romantic vibes. So if you’re fresh out of the closet and looking for love, a piece of pink tourmaline jewelry can be the perfect accessory!

Q. 4. How to identify pink tourmaline gemstones?

One of the easiest ways to identify a piece of pink tourmaline is by its color. As we mentioned before, pink tourmaline is a relatively rare shade, so if you come across a gemstone that is pink in color, it’s most likely tourmaline. 
Another way to identify tourmaline is by its hardness. Tourmaline is relatively hard, scoring a seven on the Mohs Scale of Hardness. This implies it’s effective at scratching glass but not so much in removing the coating off quartz.

Q. 5. Where to place pink tourmaline in the home?

Pink tourmaline is said to be beneficial for the heart chakra, so it’s ideal for placing it in a spot that promotes love and positive energy, such as the bedroom or living room.

Adding a Pink Tourmaline to Your Closet?

So if you’re in the market for a new addition to your wardrobe, consider pink tourmaline. If you want to learn more about this stone or need help finding jewelry made with pink tourmaline, let us know in the comments below. 

We love helping our readers find their perfect piece of jewelry, and we would be happy to assist you in your search for the perfect pink tourmaline gemstone.


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